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a question for an experienced yogi

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I'm looking for someone who has BTDT. :001_smile:


I run and do yoga. I do some yoga everyday, and I have been for close to a year.


Two days ago I was warming up and managed to hurt myself as I went into down-dog. I believe it's my Achilles tendon. I feel sore in the back of my foot, down toward the heal (but not the heal). I'm wondering if anyone here has done that? Is it the Achilles? Will it heal quickly? Can I keep doing yoga if I'm careful? :001_smile: I did practice yoga this morning, but was careful to stay on my toes and kept my knees bent. I was fine during my practice but now this afternoon it's sore. I ran on it yesterday. At first I could feel it, but then the pain past, though later it was a bit sore.


I'm mostly looking for some consolation. That it will all be ok in a couple of days and I can keep up with my practice. I hate to stop running or doing yoga. :D

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Not a yoga person any more, but can give first aid advice. I'd go with the RICE protocol: rest (no yoga or running for a bit), ice (ice pack/frozen peas), compress (bandage), elevate (put your foot up when you are sitting).


I wouldn't ignore it - it's better to look after it now than end up with a chronic injury. Ask me how I know.


Best wishes



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Not a yoga person any more, but can give first aid advice. I'd go with the RICE protocol: rest (no yoga or running for a bit), ice (ice pack/frozen peas), compress (bandage), elevate (put your foot up when you are sitting).


I wouldn't ignore it - it's better to look after it now than end up with a chronic injury. Ask me how I know.


Best wishes




See, not the answer I wanted to hear. ;) But I think you are probably right. I should give it a couple of days.

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That would be Yogini :) Female yogis are called yoginis.


I agree with the others- rest it for a bit. Do your other postures. I have hurt myself doing yoga over the years at times- whenever I push through, it backfires and I have to take even more time off.

I even had a dream about 6 months ago about this. I have lower back issues due to scoliosis. I was having an aching pain over a few weeks and I was doing a LOT of yoga stretches and twists to try and "fix" it. I had a dream where I was told to stop pushing myself so hard and stop doing yoga so intensely- I was hurting myself. Instead, do gentle exercise. I stopped the yoga and after a couple of days- the back pain went too! I was actually making it worse by trying to fix it.

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