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Orphanage in Haiti on Fox News

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I don't know if anyone has been following the story on Fox News about the House of God's Children (Maison des Enfants de Dieu) orphanage in Port-au-Prince. That is the orphanage where my niece and nephew are. It's been great to see how these reporters are keeping the spotlight on those kids. They got some supplies brought in to the kids and know they are pushing on getting the State Department to give final clearance for these kids to come home. These kids have humanitarian parole visas and all the other paperwork necessary in hand. A plane is even waiting for them in the Dominican Republic to bring them to the U.S. My brother and his wife are standing by waiting for the phone call as to where they need to fly to pick up their kids. All they need is final approval from the State Department (HURRY UP ALREADY)!!! It's been amazing how fast things have moved. Having this news coverage certainly helps as well!

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This is so wonderful to hear. I am so happy for your family and for those precious babies. I know that things do seem to be moving rather quickly as our agency has already asked their foster families w/beds available to prayerfully decide if they are willing to commit to caring for one of thes orphans and to do so as soon as possible.


Please keep posted on the progress! :grouphug:

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Was that your brother and SIL they showed on Fox? That is such a horrible situation. I hope the publicity makes our govt get their $h1t together. of course, as they pointed out, there are hundreds of adoptions that were in the hands of the Haitian gvt. And now there IS no govt. Hopefully, since there are so many NEW orphans, Haiti will cut the red tape on THEIR side, anyway, and get these kids into homes, so they have room for the new orphans, and keep the red tape to a minimum, to get THOSE chidlren into loving homes. I would love to bring a couple of them home. >sigh<

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Was that your brother and SIL they showed on Fox? That is such a horrible situation. I hope the publicity makes our govt get their $h1t together. of course, as they pointed out, there are hundreds of adoptions that were in the hands of the Haitian gvt. And now there IS no govt. Hopefully, since there are so many NEW orphans, Haiti will cut the red tape on THEIR side, anyway, and get these kids into homes, so they have room for the new orphans, and keep the red tape to a minimum, to get THOSE chidlren into loving homes. I would love to bring a couple of them home. >sigh<


No, that wasn't my brother and sil. Here's a link to one of

s with their local station.
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The orphanage our church helps (there's a team there now) is about 75 miles away from Port-au-Prince. They're gearing up to take in children from the destroyed orphanages. And they're stretched in their capacity already.


If anyone's interested in the link to help directly, please send me a pm.


Glad things are starting to come together for these poor orphans.

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Was that the orphanage with the babies all waiting to be adopted? They were talking about not having any formula or anything and having to give them regular milk which was upsetting their stomachs. My heart was aching.


Yes, that is the orphanage. Weren't those babies so sweet? I wanted to just snatch them through the television and feed them. Apparently the Salvation Army and the UN has gotten there with some supplies.

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Yes, that is the orphanage. Weren't those babies so sweet? I wanted to just snatch them through the television and feed them. Apparently the Salvation Army and the UN has gotten there with some supplies.


I want one so bad, I think I could start nursing again! I can imagine schlepping one on my back... and would in a heart beat.... If... it were possible... and if we had money...


Urgh.... Money.... it gets in the way!! (and of course, hopefully family will be found for some of them!)



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I want one so bad, I think I could start nursing again! I can imagine schlepping one on my back... and would in a heart beat.... If... it were possible... and if we had money...


Urgh.... Money.... it gets in the way!! (and of course, hopefully family will be found for some of them!)




:) What I heard on Fox News is that of the 130 children there, 120 have already been matched with families. Now we just need to get them here!


Here is the latest report from the agency here in the U.S. that deals with that orphanage:


We need you all to act again on behalf of all our children. Currently, we have two families from Argentina and one from Canada adopting. Our governments are not cooperating and working together to get all our kids out, they are dragging their feet. We are going to start losing babies due to dehydration if we do not evacuate these children quickly to the U.S. and then process them here. We do not have time for a one by one assessment of the state of their adoption process and issuance of visas prior to evacuation.


Please, begin contacting your governors and continue to pressure your senators and congressmen to get a plan in place, quickly, to evacuate the children to the U.S. The Argentinean and Canadian Governments could then work with the U.S. to bring their children home from the U.S. Time is of the essence. This is not going to look good for the U.S., the State Department, the other world governments or the United Nations if our children, who survived the earthquake, begin to perish because the governments and agencies would not work together to quickly evacuate all the children in the orphanages.... See More




We have confirmed reports that Governor Ed Rendell form Pennsylvania went to Haiti and has brought back 54 children to Pennsylvania from an orphanage. If this can happen for them, it needs to happen for all the orphans that are suffering in orphanages with little supplies, starting to experience diarrhea and sicknesses due to the conditions.



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Do you know why these adoptions were held up for so long? I hear of others who have been to visit and have been waiting for four years for their kids over there. Is it just all the red tape?


I thought the average wait for a Haitian adoption was about 2 years. I can't imagine why it would take 4 years. From what my brother has told me, most of the wait is on the U.S. side. He is convinced that there are people in our government that don't want Haitian children here and do every thing they can to slow it down. :confused: Things in the court system in Haiti has moved along smoothly. My brother has also adopted from China. That was a 3 year wait because babies from China that are available for adoption have grown fewer and fewer.

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I thought the average wait for a Haitian adoption was about 2 years. I can't imagine why it would take 4 years. From what my brother has told me, most of the wait is on the U.S. side. He is convinced that there are people in our government that don't want Haitian children here and do every thing they can to slow it down. :confused: Things in the court system in Haiti has moved along smoothly. My brother has also adopted from China. That was a 3 year wait because babies from China that are available for adoption have grown fewer and fewer.


If that is true, then shame on whoever thinks that way! A child is a child is a child! I don't find it hard to believe, though.


Do you think that the adoption process via Haiti will change/improve in light of this situation? We have three girls biologically, and for them we are grateful. We can't have any more children physically, but our hearts are open to orphans -- and Haitian children would be welcome in our home!

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