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cc - prayer needed for a friend and 11 year old child w. brain tumor

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The first friend I made in FL has a lovely, God fearing family. Recently, her 11 y.o. son was diagnosed with a brain tumor. You can visit their Caring Bridge page here


I really wanted to share her recent post b/c combined with Heather in NC story (her lovely Natalie), I am bawling this morning at my computer. I am just moved by the Lord this morning and hope the testimony I witness may encourage all of you in His love for you, too. He is AMAZING! Please take the minute to read this. You'll be encouraged.


"So today has been a rough day for me, I think it has ended better than it started. I feel a little more at peace and a little more relaxed. I had a friend text today & although she was encouraging her words cut right through the fog. I have spent a lot of time like she did for her daughter researching, studying, & searching and now it is time to begin the action. I have been able to control the who, what, when, where & how thus far but now I have to lay all that down and let go and let God. Trust that we have made the right decision & rest in that. I can't so anything to control how the surgery goes, how he reacts(or doesn't) to the chemo, or how long this process lasts. I now have to jump off into the great unknown & trust. Holy cow...just when you think you really have hit a new level of trusting God something comes along and lets you know it is time to take the next step. So I have a choice tonight...to try to continue to make all these pieces fall into place or let God put it together by His design. Matt is His, He loaned him to me but he is His. He loves him so much, more than we do and He wants the best for him...here is my amazing story that gave me just what I asked for today, to not feel alone.


This morning when I arrived at the school for the meeting a few of Matt's teachers were already in the conference room waiting. One of them had gone to Isreal over Christmas break with her husband, I think she said the trip had been planned and saved for over 20 yrs. She had asked me back in Dec if it was ok if she placed Matt's name in the Wailing Wall. I of course said YES! I hadn't thought anymore about the trip until today. She mentioned that she has prayed for him the entire time she was there. Aftet the meeting she came over and said that she wanted to know if it was ok to give Matt something she brought back from Isreal....and the story goes like this. While she was placing Matt's name at the Wailing Wall a 'woman', I think native to Isreal, came up behind her, handed her a small wooden cross with the word Jerusalem stamped on it. Nothing fancy to look at but her words made my mouth drop. This woman look at his teacher and said "Give this to the boy". His teacher said not a word was exchanged nor did the woman have any idea why she was there or who she was praying for...I thought that was amazing enough but once Matt got in the car and opened the envelope we read his teachers note. She expained to Matt what had happened and then the note ended with "....and the strange thing was that same woman was at every church I visited the entire time I was in Isreal. I wonder if she was an angel?". "Give this to the boy"...God chose to use a 'woman' half way around the world to encourage us today. To say He has our back, He loves him and is gonna walk with us hand in hand. If this doesn't make the hair stand on your neck you need to check your pulse. Watch and see the miracle that happens in Matt's life, how He will use him to touch and change people. I am stunned that even through my fear and doubts he still choses to show His mercy, might and grace.


So tomorrow we need to be at the hospital at 10 and surgery should be in the 11-12 range. Then over to the clinic. I am looking forward to a divine meeting with Jesus tomorrow...that we will know He is with us, that we will feel His hand on our shoulder, His strength that will over power my fear and the knowing that He is in absolute control for no other reason but because He loves us. Oh how He loves us...

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