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Has anyone done a set yet? I'd love to hear about what you're doing.


I convinced one of my local friends to do it with me. I think he's going to read two Stephen King novels; he's a history buff but is aiming for a trashy year.


I finished two books on ethics, When Why If by Robin Wood, and The Other Side of Virtue by Brendan Cathbad Myers. One was very much like a mother lecturing her children. The other, in one section, traced the concept of virtue through the ages from a Pagan perspective. I enjoyed them both enough that I'm thinking of reading eight more on the topic. Also, I like how reading about ethics keeps it at the top of my mind when I'm dealing with what feels like little everyday things.


My next two books are Goodnight Mr Holmes, a novel about the character Irene Adler by Carole Nelson Douglas, and Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street by William S Baring-Gould, a "biography" that's so popular it's almost canon.

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Right now I am working on my two subjects. I am reading Don Quixote and the Greatest Show on Earth. The former will take a lot of time, but I am trying to devote a solid 1/2 hour each morning. I have less than 2 weeks with the latter, so that is my evening reading and I will probably end up awake far into the night to get it done before it is due back.

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I haven't completed a set yet, but I did complete The Book Thief this weekend. I loved it, and it's definitely a read many times book because it has so many layers. I have to see if my library has another Marcus Zusak book.


I started The Help last night - excellent so far. I'm also working on Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow as part of my "Growing in my Faith" category. This is for a bible study too, so I'll be reading other books around it.

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I have finished one of my 2-Leo Tolstoy titles (Anna Karenina), and I am on the second of my 2-New authors (Gin Phillips and Reif Larsen). One of my sets-of-ten is the Short Story category, and I have read just one of those (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button).

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I just finished one that I am chalking up in the miscellaneous category. Critical by Robin Cook. Just so-so.


I am also spending a good bit of time Bible reading, trying to get it done in 90 days. Fantastic but time consuming.


I need to read Sophie's World, so I may just start on that this evening.

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I finished two--but not in the same set: one memoir, A Leap Of Faith by Queen Noor of Jordan, which I read in the hope of gaining a little insight into the Muslim world and because her life story is unusual, to say the least, and one of my small-town novels, Big Stone Gap, which presented a really wonderful, realistic main character in the midst of a lot of eccentrics. I liked them both.

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Just finished The Road - It was really good, but Dh said that I was all melancholy while I was reading it - hmmm, don't know why that would happen:confused:


Finished The Winter King by Bernard Cornwell- A story of King Arthur - awesome, awesome, awesome!!!! Loved, loved, loved it!


Still slogging through Paradise Lost... ugh!.... It is interesting, and I actually like it quite a bit, but I. cannot. stay. awake...... but, almost done!

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