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I need a fun math workbook...


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My dd likes the Critical Thinking Company math books!


Oh wait! There's a Reader Rabbit Math book that my dd loves too:




ETA: I love rabbits so we work from Reader Rabbit over CTC! And Reader Rabbit is cute!

Edited by MissKNG
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What about Singapore Earlybird?

You know, I was just browsing Singapore 1a when your message popped through. I think Singapore would be enough of a change of pace for him that he'd love it. We could go at an easy pace until it is time to kick things into gear again next fall for first grade.


Earlybird or 1a, do you think? Concepts aren't difficult for him; it's more a maturity thing - the typical little boy who quickly grows weary of holding a pencil and printing numbers on a dotted line. Matching, circling, x'ing...all that goes over pretty well. I can't find a place to look inside an earlybird book (or a place to order, for that matter) so I'm having a hard time choosing between the two levels.

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What about Singapore Earlybird?


I would go with Book B then because Book A is more like a PreK level.


If you are thinking curriculum workbooks, we are going to start Horizons K in March. It's a spiral program and based on what I've read here and other places, it's about 6 months advanced. Towards the middle to end of Book 2 is more like 1st grade math in most of the problems (like 85+3 or 98-2 - with a number line) imo.


How long do you want to hold off 1st grade math? I'm trying to hold off starting Horizons K (we should finish Earlybird next week) by just letting dd do whatever pages she wants in the Reader Rabbit book until March. That way it's a "break" from curriculum and she gets to choose what she wants to work on.

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