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If you had a 4x8 ft. garden what would you put in it?

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I've got one spot that I want to clear out and make it about 4ft x 8 ft. and then I could maybe do a three foot x 6 ft spot if I had to in another spot. This way I'm not taking up the middle of the back yard and my kids still have their normal room to play.


Anyway, I am going to look at the square ft. gardening book, but what would you put to get the most out of it. We like tomatoes, green beans, zucchini, green peppers.




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I would have at least one tomato plant (actually, more than one). To save space, you can get a narrow tower support and trim the branches. If your enrich the soil, you can grow them closer together. Green beans are prolific (especially if you provide a tower and get the tall-growing kind), and you would probably need only one zucchini (very prolific). You can save space with the zucchini by planting it in a corner and training it over the edge, onto the lawn. I have found green peppers to be a little trickier to grow, but worthwhile. These would probably thrive best if planted close to each other in a group (a la square foot). If you lay it out right, I think you could fit all of those in (plus a few small marigolds here and there).

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I would put

tomatoes 2 plants one early and one late and use cages

I would plant sugar snap peas to grow up the cages around the tomatoes - these will be finished by the time the tomatoes are getting bigger

peppers - we are growing an heirloom variety this year that looks very interesting

Zucchini - also grow these on cages to utilize the vertical space.

We also do a hot pepper and then dry them for winter use.

A basil is also nice to have

I also grow some salad greens

This is basically the garden we grow every year.

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That is the size my kids have each had as a raised bed for their 4-H gardens. They plant:


squash (2 hills)

tomatoes (2 plants) with basil in between



bush beans (green, yellow, or purple)

onions or potatoes





They do their sugar snap peas on a 3x3 tee-pee, and grow cucumbers in the middle (you could have two of these in your 3x6 space!).

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