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Looking for something like "Heroes of the City of Man", but for medieval lit....

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I used this for Dante




I have this for Shakespeare:





I think these are the only books he has for Medieval.

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I used this for Dante




I have this for Shakespeare:





I think these are the only books he has for Medieval.




Did you stick to reading just these?


If not, did you find any other guides that you particularly liked?


I found one by C. S. Lewis on the Amazon page you linked, have you seen it by any chance?


Sorry so many questions!!!

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I have the one by Lewis. Do you have any specific questions?


He expounds on Medieval literature in general, then goes in depth on Dante and Spenser. He also touches on Tasso and Comus.


Let me know if you want to know anything else.


Specific questions:


1. Did you find the general Medieval information helpful for understanding patterns that recur in Medieval lit? IOW, while reading *any* piece, did you find yourself thinking "Oh, that's what Lewis was referring to," and understand something in the text that maybe you would have glossed over without it?


2. One thing I really like about "Heroes" is that Kreeft gives specific line numbers in the text to support his discussion of the themes and literary devices. This has been really helpful. My son isn't about to read The Iliad *and* a book about the Iliad. But I can make note of the line numbers Kreeft mentions, remember the gist of his discussion, and then in my discussion with my ds, we re-read those lines. It helps us keep our discussion centered on the important passages.


All that to say....does the Lewis book cite specific portions of the text to support his assertions? I already have Invitation to the Classics - which gives a general discussion about the plot/themes of each work and a few discussion questions without answers - so I don't need that. I really need hand-holding finding specific places in the text that would be good to refer to while writing an essay.


Thanks for your help!

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