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History Timeline Figures... Which Ones?

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Hey there,

I have a history timeline notebook for Creation to Modern. Well, I don't know what Information I figured we'd put in there.

I'd like to put important dates from History in there.... Scientific Discoveries... Musicians that were born/famous during times...

Who loves their system... I have a printer, I have a bit of $$ for it....





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You can't go wrong with Amy Pak's timeline figures. They are beautifully drawn.

For history timeline figures (not musicians and such) you can use Hannah's--download free from hannah's homeschool helps yahoo group. She coordinates them to chapters in SOTW. She also includes a blank template so you can pull your own images from the internet and size them perfectly.

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I have several of the commercial timeline figures...and they are beautiful....but because they are so similiar in design/style they eventually seemed very "same" on our timelines....date I say boring and run together.


So, we now hunt for what we want on the Internet....just type the name of the person, event, place, etc into Google or yahoo, choose images, and you'll have many to choose from. It takes a little more time and effort than just choosing the image off a premade CD, but it comes out much more creative and the kids "own" it a lot more. When we can't find what we want they'll attempt to draw it, or if we have a book with something they like in it I'll scan the image and print it. Since we're using these only for our own use and only scanning an image or two out of the book there is no copyright violation.


The other advantage to not having all the images with as close of a "sameness" is that it helps implant the image in the child's mind.....the can see the distinct image in their mind to help them remember. It's all part of the reason that logos tend to stick in your head.....who could ever see a yellow M and not think McDonalds?


So, my vote....go for finding your own images and make them personal.

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We usually just find or draw a picture of the story, color it, then write the date under it and key points from the chapter. We then tape that paper to the wall, right after the paper from the previous chapter. This creates a running timeline, although I am not sure it is exactly what you had it mind... I find the picture drawing/coloring helps firm up the ideas in my daughters mind though.

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