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So I decided to start Y3 Bibilioplan. I played SOTW 3 Audio Ch. 1, while this was playing the kids did the corresponding map. The two olders did the cool history question sheet along, while listening. Afterward I read from the Parent Companion, asked questions. Then the two older kids did an outline the younger did a narration page and illustrated it and everyone added the timeline figures to their time-lines. I scheduled a 2 hour block. We completed everything and they responded well. It was hardly any work on me. I handed them the books they need to read during the week. It that really it? :confused:This was WAAAYYYY to easy!

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Fay, I love you, i'm so glad you posted that because we will be starting Biblioplan 1 on Monday and I was hoping it would be something like that. But, tell me what is the cool history question sheet? Is that only for years 3 & 4? Thanks


I bought the Bundle for Year 3 e-book. I just assumed it came with all years, I could be wrong, maybe someone with the other years could chime in. The Cool History pages are questions that corresponds to the SOTW readings. It's like having narration questions all done out. Then at the bottom of the Cool History pages are bonus questions, those excerpts that answer them are in the parent companion and ALL the answers are conveniently located in the Parent Companion. It was just so easy, pick up and go. I am ashamed to admit I even added SOTW in audio because I was getting bogged down with readings. Now all I have is the family read-aloud and everyone is together. Had I known it would have been this easy.....

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Oh thats good they are doing them for ALL years. It's funny I am pretty confident about Math and Science. History is where I flounder. I have tried it ALL and sadly I go through a wonderful honeymoon phase, get disenchanted, read the WTM again and then say, " Why am I making it so hard".

For some reason I like lesson plans, so SOTW was too loosey goosey for me and I would write up weekly plans. TOG was time too time consuming even though I held on for almost 3 years. SL is by far my favorite in book selections but the readings get me bogged down, and quite honestly if I stop moving I fall asleep...lol

Then MFW, I found myself adding so much from SL, that is when I switched to SL.

I was going to just use ATTA and Atners, but I found myself looking for maps, writing up lessons, and I stopped. I saw a post from Soph the Vet, and she made it seem so easy. So I bought it. Although this was our first week it's was painless, and the kids knew the answers to the questions, did map-work, put the timeline pieces in their books, and outlined a page. We did it in less than 2 hours. History is done for the week..check!:)

Edited by Pongo
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We just started and I go back and forth as to whether I should follow Biblioplan or do SOTW chapter by chapter and find the corresponding Bible/Readings within Biblioplan. I really do like Biblioplan. I wish they had those questions for the 1st plan. And I'm thinking about getting the timeline and figures.

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We just started and I go back and forth as to whether I should follow Biblioplan or do SOTW chapter by chapter and find the corresponding Bible/Readings within Biblioplan. I really do like Biblioplan. I wish they had those questions for the 1st plan. And I'm thinking about getting the timeline and figures.


I wish they had those questions for the 1st plan as well :iagree:

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That is fantastic!!! Do you use the biblioplan timeline and figures? I'm thinking of getting that just to make things a little easier for myself.


I did. I had timeline books for them. I printed out the figures on Avery white sticky paper. I have a pocket folder and I am just moving it to each week as we go through the figures. Honestly, I think placing them on the book took 10 minutes.:D

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Guest aquiverfull

So you like Biblioplan? Do you feel that it is enough? I've used SL in the past, WP and was trying MFW ECC this year. I didn't like MFW. I liked WP and SL for the most part, but I don't care for the teacher's guide and really tweaked a lot. I keep drooling over TOG, but I don't think I can afford it. My local libraries have almost none of the books. It would be a huge investment for me, plus I wonder about the time. I have a lot of little ones and I really don't know if I'd be able to pull it all off. Biblioplan is what I am seriously considering instead. I realize that you've only done one week so far, but how to do you feel about it in comparison to TOG?

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Dates are on them:D It is so convenient!


:iagree: I bought it and I can't wait to get started. I think it's a bit youngish for my 8th grader, but you know what? I don't care, his timeline work will get done and at the end of the year he'll have a very nice timeline to look at if he wants too. I know my 1st grader is going to enjoy it very much!

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So you like Biblioplan? Do you feel that it is enough? I've used SL in the past, WP and was trying MFW ECC this year. I didn't like MFW. I liked WP and SL for the most part, but I don't care for the teacher's guide and really tweaked a lot. I keep drooling over TOG, but I don't think I can afford it. My local libraries have almost none of the books. It would be a huge investment for me, plus I wonder about the time. I have a lot of little ones and I really don't know if I'd be able to pull it all off. Biblioplan is what I am seriously considering instead. I realize that you've only done one week so far, but how to do you feel about it in comparison to TOG?


I chose it because it puts the Bible and SOTW together. It also adds in other readers most of which I order through Interlibrary Loan because our library doesn't have them. TOG's sample overwhelmed me because it is so extensive. Biblioplan is managable and adaptable. And it doesn't cost a lot of money. I know TOG is too but if I'm going to spend that much, I want to follow the plan! ;)


The only thing that I don't like is that I have to choose whether to skip around in the SOTW activity or in Biblioplan if I follow SOTW AG chapter to chapter (nor the tests :( ). I don't know if it is like this in the later sets?


I didn't like that SL wasn't multilevel enough for my family. My DD would have been bored to tears with the reads if I went with SL and started history at the beginning of time. (Or it was too advanced when it cycles back around.) It would have been great for my DS! But I really wanted everyone working on the same subjects for history and science.

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So you like Biblioplan? Do you feel that it is enough? I've used SL in the past, WP and was trying MFW ECC this year. I didn't like MFW. I liked WP and SL for the most part, but I don't care for the teacher's guide and really tweaked a lot. I keep drooling over TOG, but I don't think I can afford it. My local libraries have almost none of the books. It would be a huge investment for me, plus I wonder about the time. I have a lot of little ones and I really don't know if I'd be able to pull it all off. Biblioplan is what I am seriously considering instead. I realize that you've only done one week so far, but how to do you feel about it in comparison to TOG?



So far, I do like it, very much. I feel like, it's a VERY streamlined version of TOG. With a lot of SL book req's and a History spine. You have an option of using SOTW, MOH as a spine or even Streams of Civ. for older kiddos all scheduled for you. I like that its not a TON of books. I like that it really takes a couple of hours to complete history for the week with NO prep. I felt they knew just as much from today's class as they have shown from TOG. Part of my reason for leaving TOG was when they went to Digital, and how it is not resellable. That was a ton of money to drop and not get back, ever on the TMs. I had spent over $800 on some years for only 2 levels.


BP also has hands-on suggestions in the Cool History pages. It's not as pretty as TOG, but I don't find one being superior to the other, at least not yet. If feels like I am doing WTM, as it should be done, without prep, cost or a learning curve. Don't get me wrong, TOG gets easier as you use it, and you HAVE to give yourself permission not to do it all.


I like that BP is manageable, I can easily see being able to do it as written. We'll see in a few months.:D

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Guest aquiverfull

Thank you so much Pongo! That is wonderful to hear. I'm like you, always stressing about history. Every year it's the thorn in my side. I have heard that BP is TOG light. I love the idea of SL's readers and a spine. The readers were one of our favorite things about SL.


We are not totally crazy about hands on around here. We do like paper type crafts, and lapbooks so I wondered if we would even ever use the activities in TOG. I think I'd be pretty good at choosing what we would do, but I might get caught up in thinking we need every book. It would get expensive for us, especially when I'd add the younger ones later. I know what you mean about the DE. I'm not too fond of that option, but the print is expensive!


I was considering just combining MOH and SOTW on my own, but then I noticed that BP does that so it'd be nice to have the schedule already figured out for me. I was also looking for maps and timeline and again BP does that as well. It's probably everything I really want. I just have to get over the "grass is greener" syndrome..lol.


It's also nice to hear that it's WTM in an easy way. I just recently read the WTM book (older version) and I really want to incorporate much of that thinking into our school this coming school year. My dd will be in 6th and will do the Ancients.


Thanks again for your review! I hope it continues to go well for you and your family. :)

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Guest aquiverfull
I chose it because it puts the Bible and SOTW together. It also adds in other readers most of which I order through Interlibrary Loan because our library doesn't have them. TOG's sample overwhelmed me because it is so extensive. Biblioplan is managable and adaptable. And it doesn't cost a lot of money. I know TOG is too but if I'm going to spend that much, I want to follow the plan! ;)


Yep! I hear what you're saying. In the past I've tweaked Teacher's editions so much that it was a waste of money.


I didn't like that SL wasn't multilevel enough for my family. My DD would have been bored to tears with the reads if I went with SL and started history at the beginning of time. (Or it was too advanced when it cycles back around.) It would have been great for my DS! But I really wanted everyone working on the same subjects for history and science.

Combining is another reason why I didn't want to stay with SL or WP. There's a big gap between my children. From 5th grade down to Pre-K at the moment. I know I will have to keep them on the same page for history and science, (atleast as much as possible) to keep my sanity. Combining Cores seemed impossible. Thanks for your input, I appreciate it. :)
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So I decided to start Y3 Bibilioplan. I played SOTW 3 Audio Ch. 1, while this was playing the kids did the corresponding map. The two olders did the cool history question sheet along, while listening. Afterward I read from the Parent Companion, asked questions. Then the two older kids did an outline the younger did a narration page and illustrated it and everyone added the timeline figures to their time-lines. I scheduled a 2 hour block. We completed everything and they responded well. It was hardly any work on me. I handed them the books they need to read during the week. It that really it? :confused:This was WAAAYYYY to easy!


How many days per week do you schedule a 2 hour block?

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How many days per week do you schedule a 2 hour block?


Hey, I got your PM and PM'd you back!:001_smile:

I schedule 1- 2 hour block for history, 2-2 hour blocks for science and 1-2 hour block for Fine Arts (Art Appreciation , Composer Study, Art Class) then we have 1 lighter day.

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In the first semester its 2 days history, 1 day science both in 2 hour blocks.

Second semester is 1 day history, 2 days science again in two hour blocks. I can send you a copy of my schedule for a visual if you want.:)



Thank you and yes, i'd love a copy of your schedule if you don't mind. I'm so glad to see someone using Biblioplan and enjoying it. I've been so hesitant to jump in, but now i'm ready to get going.

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