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Changing history, how would you do it?


What would you do if changing history mid year  

  1. 1. What would you do if changing history mid year

    • Start SOTW over with Chapter 1 and just do as much as you can, then finish the rest next year.
    • Just cover the chapters in SOTW that you didn't cover with the other program.
    • Other: (Please elaborate)

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Here's the background.

We started the year with History Odyssey Early Modern Times level 1, I don't like doing history the way they have it set up. I don't like using SOTW as the spine and jumping around in the chapters, they just don't flow well for me that way.


I've decided to use SOTW with the AG, but I can't decide if we should just scrap the stuff we've done and just start from chapter 1 and do it all over or if we should skip the chapters we've done already when doing HO. Some of them, like the ones on France, the Sun King, Napoleon, etc were done way back in Sept.


What does the Hive think?

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I would actually start at the beginning doing full work for the chapters I hadn't covered and reading briefly the ones I already had. I think I'd still feel like I was jumping around too much if I just skipped the chapters, but it might get too tedious to rework them all.

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Provided you didn't do too much at the beginning already, I'd go back to the beginning and start over, doing the AG activities with the chapters you haven't covered, and just reading the chapters you have already covered (maybe adding in just a little activity stuff--a map, or one cool activity, if you haven't supplemented that chapter that way). Something in those chapters that could be done in one day, so you could do two or maybe even 3 chapters a week, if you do SOTW 3 times a week.

Spend a little more time on those chapters you haven't covered, like a whole week, even. Only read the extra book reading for those chapters (not even every one, if you don't want). You should be able to finish by June then.

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We did SOTW 2 years ago in order very slowly with the AG and now this year...we are using SOTW again from the beginning with SL core 6. It is just as good the second time. It has tons of info...so I would just start over with the AG. It just really makes everything sink in. I hate skipping around. Our SL is skipping in the Usborne book but not SOTW. It all seems to fit into place though. SOTW keeps bringing up people from the previous chapters...so I imagine it is harder to read out of order.

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Tammy, that's just it, because of the way HO works we've technically read and done some maps etc for chapters 1-5, 8-9, 12-13, 16, 18, 25, 27, 29, 31, and 33. HO doesn't have you read SOTW in order, if it did it would be much easier to know how to proceed.


So how to pick up where we left off is the real question.



After reading the replies, I'm thinking I'll start at the beginning but just use the review cards from SOTWs AG for the chapters we've read already this year, then we'll do the full AG with maps, supplements and activities for those chapters we haven't already touched on.

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After reading the replies, I'm thinking I'll start at the beginning but just use the review cards from SOTWs AG for the chapters we've read already this year, then we'll do the full AG with maps, supplements and activities for those chapters we haven't already touched on.


That's what I was thinking! If you haven't done a timeline, you could use the review cards to create one, and that way they can "see" where the info they've already covered fits in with the new (especially your 10yo). Really, I would just mention the event or person on the card, ask what dc remember, and move on to the new stuff pretty quick.


Best wishes!

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Then I'd go with your plan, but be cheerfully ready with memory questions if they balk at repeating things.


Tammy, that's just it, because of the way HO works we've technically read and done some maps etc for chapters 1-5, 8-9, 12-13, 16, 18, 25, 27, 29, 31, and 33. HO doesn't have you read SOTW in order, if it did it would be much easier to know how to proceed.


So how to pick up where we left off is the real question.



After reading the replies, I'm thinking I'll start at the beginning but just use the review cards from SOTWs AG for the chapters we've read already this year, then we'll do the full AG with maps, supplements and activities for those chapters we haven't already touched on.

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We did this exact same thing for SOTW 1. I think we mostly just started and went on from the chapter we were in in SOTW, it might not have been jumping around so much as that. We re-read chapters we had "studied" but didn't do more. It was so frustrating, I was happy to start SOTW 2 this year with just the AG.

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