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Could Omnibus 3 fulfill a Government credit?

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I'm planning way ahead......


If we use Omnibus 3 Primary could it fulfill a 1/2 Government credit instead of History? If not, what's missing that I would need to add?


Here is the Primary Reading List:

Anti-Federalist Papers

Federalist Papers

The Social Contract


The Communist Manifesto

Mein Kampf

Of Plymouth Plantation

Pilgrim's Progress

A Tale of Two Cities

Reflections on the Revolution in France

Westminster Confession

Lincoln Speeches & Writings

The Great Gatsby

Uncle Tom's Cabin

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I'm planning way ahead......


If we use Omnibus 3 Primary could it fulfill a 1/2 Government credit instead of History? If not, what's missing that I would need to add?


Here is the Primary Reading List:

Anti-Federalist Papers

Federalist Papers

The Social Contract


The Communist Manifesto

Mein Kampf

Of Plymouth Plantation

Pilgrim's Progress

A Tale of Two Cities

Reflections on the Revolution in France

Westminster Confession

Lincoln Speeches & Writings

The Great Gatsby

Uncle Tom's Cabin


I would say yes.

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In NY we are required to teach 1/2 cr. of American Govt. I counted Omni 3 for that 1/2 credit. I think my ds spent much more time than 90 hours in reading, writing, memorizing the Amendments and discussing the American vs. other forms (Mein Kampf, Communist Manifesto etc...<<<UGH!!!!>>>>) of government than my older kiddoes did using A Beka's American Govt. The only extra I added, was the State Gov't project from A Bekas program which i thought was a worthy project.


By the way...Omni 3 reading gave my son a deep interest in Constitutional Law which we will persue in his later high school years.



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We are doing Omnibus III this year and I plan to consider it Government although I suspect we'll touch American Government again along the way. I added two books 'The Roots of American Order" and "Liberty and Tyranny. A Conservative Manifesto' but even without that there is definitely a focus on American Government.



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I would strongly recommend that you add the current governmental system. I have been teaching a US government class for homeschoolers and most are jrs and srs. While many of the kids had knowledge of the Federalists and the early American history, what they didn't know is how current government functions. Things like what are term lengths and condition for offices like president and senator. Misinformation about how bills are passed ( a number thought the Supreme Court automatically reviews the bills). Others had misconceptions about government agencies, how the government raises money, and what are rights are.

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I would strongly recommend that you add the current governmental system. I have been teaching a US government class for homeschoolers and most are jrs and srs. While many of the kids had knowledge of the Federalists and the early American history, what they didn't know is how current government functions. Things like what are term lengths and condition for offices like president and senator. Misinformation about how bills are passed ( a number thought the Supreme Court automatically reviews the bills). Others had misconceptions about government agencies, how the government raises money, and what are rights are.


Things like this are covered if you do the exercises, discussions and activities. But it's always good to make sure they understand. We also covered this in jr. high so I didn't feel a need to have a full program in addition to Omnibus to make sure this was understood.



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