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Oh gloom and despair!! LOST theory.....

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Dh read something on the internet last night that theorizes that Hurley is in the casket. He said it was backed up well, but I didn't want to hear it!


This wasn't a spoiler, just someone's theory.


We are Hurley fans. I named my rooster Hurley! We do not want to lose him!


Holding my breath until tonight.

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Hurley's funeral would be well attended. He had many friends and family and no plot tist would see him die alone, unwanted and unappreciated. Also When asked "friend or family?" Jack would have for sure said "friend" rather than "neither."


The Hurley story still has a lot of loose ends out there: his money, his luck or lack thereof, the numbers, his mental condition. Lots of folks have died in this show, but I've a feeling Hurley will still be alive on the last episode.

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Yes, I agree with this. Hurley doesn't add up.


But I'm confused. Do we know that whoever dies tonight is the same one in the casket from last season?


I'm betting it's Michael that dies tonight. Or else Desmond. But I have more reservations about him. My bet is Michael.

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I don't visit any of the forums either. And I even withheld myself from the thread of last week that was popping up daily. That was hard to do, LOL. But I could see that with all of the responses it was going to kill me to read them all.


This thread seems innocent enough - so far! :)

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Well, I have no logical basis for my opinion, but I don't think it will be him. Are they supposed to reveal who's in the coffin tonight?


As far as what Volty says about no possible plot twist would see Hurley dying alone, I'm not so sure. It's pretty obvious that things get very wacky once they leave the island. I mean, Jack goes from Mr. Control to Mr. Out of Control. Kate goes from someone who is purely self-centered and doesn't know the first thing about babies to the extent that she won't even hold one, to raising someone else's child as her own and risking her own freedom to protect that child. Sayid goes from being an utmost enemy of Ben's to working for him. So I think TPTB have clearly shown that people most certainly change once they leave the island.


But I still refuse to believe that it is Hurley in the coffin. stop.gif

I believe there will be SO many new characters between now and the final episode that we can't begin to guess reasonably at this point. (Unless of course they are revealing tonight, in which case I eat my words. :tongue_smilie:)

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I don't visit any of the forums either. And I even withheld myself from the thread of last week that was popping up daily. That was hard to do, LOL. But I could see that with all of the responses it was going to kill me to read them all.


This thread seems innocent enough - so far! :)

I believe I know the thread you are referring to, and it didn't have any spoilers, just people talking their opinions. I would assume that if anyone was wanting to share a spoiler, they would label it as such so that people (like me) who don't want to know anything spoilerish in any way shape or form could avoid them.

But I don't mind talking opinions and guesses because thats why its such a good show!


And, I too think the question of who is in the coffin is pretty wide open right now. Whoever it is, they died some time after the losties get off the island because the funeral happens well after Jack's "so together he can hold together a lie in an expensive suit" stage, he was falling apart.


Can't wait for tonight's show!

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Whoever dies tonight should NOT be the one in the casket, because didn't Kate say something to Jack about them having been off the island for a year or more when they met in the parking lot, and it showed Jack reading the obituary like he was shocked.

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Well, if it were Claire, then Jack could have answered "friend OR family" to the undertaker's question. Does he know they're half siblings yet?


I don't think Jin is dead, the date on his stone was the date of the crash. And Sun kept calling out to him while she was in labor. AND she said "I wish you were here", not anything about him actually being dead.


I love this show. The more outlandish it gets the better I like it.

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I think Old Dominion Heather meant that Claire will die tonight. I think there is no way Kate ends up with Aaron unless Claire dies (which one of you would give up your baby?) But I hope not. I can't believe that Hurley is the one in the coffin, but I'm still in denial that Charlie is dead. LOL. Tonight will be just like all the other shows - we get one question answered and are presented with 12 new questions. *sigh* At least we know there will be an end in a little over 2 years.

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Gloom, despair, and agony on me

Deep, dark depression, excessive misery

If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all

Gloom, despair, and agony on me


We figured she was rich, loaded to the hilt

And we figured she had class like the Vanderbilts

'Cause we had heard for years how she was so well reared

How was we to know they meant the way she was built


Gloom, despair, and agony on me

Deep, dark depression, excessive misery

If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all

Gloom, despair, and agony on me


hee haw, couldn't resist!

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This may be considered SPOILER by some, so I am warning. I don't think it is, but some people have differing ideas than mine about that. It really gives nothing away, and anyone can find this anywhere with a quick google, so its common knowledge for fans.


I consider it a CLUE NOT A SPOILER.


This is the newspaper clipping, don't worry as per usual Lost m.o., it gives virtually nothing away:


"The body of John Lantham of New York was found shortly after 4 a.m. in the 4300 block of Grand Avenue.


Ted Worden, a doorman at the Tower Lofts complex, heard loud noises coming from the victim's loft. Concerned for the tenants' safety, he entered the loft and found the body hanging from a beam in the living room.


According to Jaime Ortiz, a police spokesman, the incident was deemed a suicide after medical tests. Lantham (sic) is survived by one teenaged son.


Memorial services will be held at the Hoffs-Drawlar Funeral Home tomorrow evening."



This is not OFFICIAL. This is just what has been posted. Survived by one teenage son eh? Thats really the only clue and I'm betting it was thrown in there to make it look like Michael. But, it also could really be Michael as that fits in with what we know so far about Jack and Kate's reaction to the news of his death, and what they said, and the fact of no one at his funeral. Yeah, Michael is plausible. Unless of course he dies tonight. :)

And Hoffs Drawlar is an anagram of flash forward, just a little tidbit.

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I don't think they would kill off Hurley, he's too popular. Besides, I agree with the others - that was a normal sized coffin - he wouldn't fit.


I listen to the Jay & Jack "lost podcast" and they interviewed a couple of the writers last week. The only thing they would say for sure is that the show is not simply someone's dream. Jack isn't going to wake up at the end of the series after having dreamed the whole thing. They wanted to put to rest those types of rumors.


They also promised *lots* of remaining plot twists and turns.


I am so bummed that we only have a little more to go this season.

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