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Dual enrolling and evals/reporting to the school board..

Guest KaciMI

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In the state of Florida do we still have kids evaluated or tested each year once they're dual enrolling? We've always reported to our school board. Now that my daughter is dual enrolling do I still need to report? Do I handle her two college courses the same as classes at home?


She will not be 16 until this summer, don't know if that counts. Please excuse my ignorance in this subject. She's my first high school/DE child.

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Well, my only just turned 14, so we haven't dual enrolled yet. 1.5yrs to go.


Do you have a regular evaluator? I would ask my evaluator. I would assume that the student must be evaluated until they are 16. If she is not fully dual enrolled (it sounds like she's taking 2 cc classes and still is doing some at home), that would mean the typical portfolio or standardized testing. I think all you'd need to provide for her dual enrollment classes is the grades if you do portfolio evaluations. But, I could be totally off...


I know there are a few other FL hs'ers with older children on these boards. I hope they'll be able to give you better information.


If you'd like to share what classes she took, how she liked it, and/or what she's going to take next, I'd love to hear all about it. :bigear:

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and don't know anyone. My daughter is taking her SAT's this spring, but we are signed with the school board from January to January. I had wondered if her results from the College Placement tests would suit the school board. She got perfect scores in English and Comprehension and scored well in higher maths. She also has an A in FLVS Latin 1 and Driver's Ed, plus the work she' done at home.


I have read on the internet you can actually get evaluations on line or by phone. Just don't know of anyone who has gone this route.


Dual Enrolling: My daughter will be starting her classes the 2nd week of January. She'll be taking Spanish 1 and Medical Terminology. We're on the east coast. K

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I am fairly sure that in order to remain dual enrolled your child must be registered with the local school district. This includes having her evaluated each year and sending the appropriate form to the school disctrict. The form from the evaluator which is sent in is also proof that she has completed a high school program. In addition, there is an affidavit that you sign and have notorized when she graduates stating that she has taken all the courses required and has graduated from your homeschool program.

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Florida law requires annual reporting (one of 5 ways) so long as your child is registered as home educated. I'm not sure whether the d/e placement test will suffice. You could check with your county superintendent to see whether the county accepts it. Even if the county won't accept the test results, a certified teacher may use them to evaluate your dd and determine whether she has "progressed commensurate with [her] ability." The SAT results can be submitted to meet this requirement as it's a nationally normed exam.


You can find the entire Florida home education law on http://www.hef.org (the site of Home Education Foundation and Brenda Dickinson, Florida's excellent homeschool lobbyist). FPEA (an statewide homeschool organization) has a good summary of Florida homeschooling law on its site at http://www.fpea.com.


Hope that helps,


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I am fairly sure that in order to remain dual enrolled your child must be registered with the local school district. This includes having her evaluated each year and sending the appropriate form to the school disctrict. The form from the evaluator which is sent in is also proof that she has completed a high school program. In addition, there is an affidavit that you sign and have notorized when she graduates stating that she has taken all the courses required and has graduated from your homeschool program.



Every year for dual-enrollment you have to have the signed from from the district which they won't sign if you're not up-to-date on your paperwork, i.e.--evaluation/testing form.


As to using the CPT as your "nationally normed test" for the year, I don't think so since you don't get a print out like you do w/the SAT/ACT/Iowa/etc. plus they're supposed to be proctored by a certified teacher (Our cc's are not so that would be a sticking point right there.)


When our dd's have taken cc classes exclusively, it's been very easy to find someone w/a teaching certificate to sign the evaluation form. There's no reason to pour over a portfolio when they have a grade report from the prof.!:)


BTW--You can start DE once the dc have finished 9th grade as long as they test into the college level classes. The CPT is free (@ the cc) or the ACT/SAT will do.

Edited by K-FL
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