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My turn! Any ideas for resources for my NYR: penmanship

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I'm actually ashamed of my atrocious penmanship so one of my New Year's resolutions is to develop a lovelier hand. I'm looking for resources, probably a book but I'm open.


I'm not looking for calligraphy, though. I've done a couple of stints here and there in calligraphy classes and it's not my thing. I'd consider copperplate, though, b/c that actually seems sensible . . . something I could use on a daily basis if I could perfect it.


I just need some kind of system for learning/practicing/perfecting a lovely hand.


Any ideas?


If your suggestion is selected, I'll send you a pretty thank you note in my best handwriting!


Also, I'd like something for an older student/adult. A first grade penmanship book is probably not what would appeal to me. ; )

Edited by MomOfOneFunOne
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DS now 15 had good to fair handwriting, learned manuscript beginning in K and transitioned to traditional cursive in 2nd. His writing was nice. Not stellar, but legible. I was satisfied.


When he hit 6th grade, he met some guys who had been taught italic handwriting. NOT calligraphy, italic. So he asked if he could get a new penmanship book and give it a whirl. He did so.


He now has a wonderful handwriting. It is his own unique combination of italic and traditional script, it is flowing yet masculine, and uber-legible. His outsourced teachers have commented nicely about it.


I'd suggest the same for you! I wish I could remember the specific curriculum we chose, but maybe Getty-Dubay? Anyway, go over to the Rainbow Resource or CBD site and look inside the books to chose a starting level. You may even be able to find some lessons online, and just use a notebook to practice.


I'd guess that as an adult, the key for you will be LOTS of practice, considering you've had a lot more years to train other habits into your writing. But I bet if you are committed, it's do-able!

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Block Letters and Cursive Handwriting for D'Nealian ® worksheets



or Italic:-)


OF course... if you want really elegant.... http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=spencerian+handwriting&aq=4&oq=spenceri&aqi=g5g-s1g3g-s1


Spencerian is what really old people with beautiful handwriting have:-) They use to teach it to little kids... maybe I could learn??



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