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First grade start date

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Hi. It's been quite some time since I have had spare time to be here & wish you all a Happy New Year.

I hope that you all will have great advice to get me ready for next year.

DD1 will start 1st grade in September, she turns 6 in November.

Because she is a November baby I feel that a January start date to her school year would best meet her overall needs for the long term.

I am not 100% sure how to accomplish this since I need to submit letters of intent and IHIP by July and August respectively.

Is there anyone in NY that has any experience with this or anyone else who has any insight of how to accomplish this?

Thank You!

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Hi. It's been quite some time since I have had spare time to be here & wish you all a Happy New Year.


I hope that you all will have great advice to get me ready for next year.

DD1 will start 1st grade in September, she turns 6 in November.


Because she is a November baby I feel that a January start date to her school year would best meet her overall needs for the long term.


I am not 100% sure how to accomplish this since I need to submit letters of intent and IHIP by July and August respectively.


Is there anyone in NY that has any experience with this or anyone else who has any insight of how to accomplish this?

Thank You!

You will have to comply with the law, regardless of your dd's late birthdate. You just have to write your IHIP to reflect her ability. You may do a written evaluation instead of a normed test the first three years, which might be better than the standardized test.

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Hey there, wildflower, nice to see you around.


I'm homeschooling a September, an October, a July and a January born kid in this regs-crazy state. If I could go back and do it again, I'd plan them all to be born in July (and exactly four years apart so we could cycle a la WTM).


If she turns six on or before December 1st, she's of compulsory school age for the school year that starts the July before that December. But that doesn't mean she has to enter as a first grader. You do have to pick either K or 1st, though. I'm pretty sure the school district isn't going to let you effectively grade skip her every January. That means once you pick a grade, that's what you have to stick with for that whole school year. The school year runs from July 1 to June 30.


The reason we send the school district reports with official grades on them is so that they know where to put her if she ever goes back to public school. So, think about what you'd want to happen if she were forced to go to school this September. Would you want her in first or kindergarten? If she's not ready for first, go ahead and list her as a kindergartener for the 2010-11 year.


There are advantages to labeling her a half-year below: it's happier to skip a grade than hold her back one, she's more mature than her grade peers and therefore has an advantage in live classes and on tests, and there are no required subjects for K so you can put whatever the heck you want on your IHIP.


This doesn't meant she has to be doing curriculum labeled as K or first grade by the publisher. No matter what grade you call it, put on the IHIP and quarterly reports exactly what she's actually capable of and doing.


I hope that helps and doesn't sound bossy.

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  • 4 months later...
Hey there, wildflower, nice to see you around.


I'm homeschooling a September, an October, a July and a January born kid in this regs-crazy state. If I could go back and do it again, I'd plan them all to be born in July (and exactly four years apart so we could cycle a la WTM).


If she turns six on or before December 1st, she's of compulsory school age for the school year that starts the July before that December. But that doesn't mean she has to enter as a first grader. You do have to pick either K or 1st, though. I'm pretty sure the school district isn't going to let you effectively grade skip her every January. That means once you pick a grade, that's what you have to stick with for that whole school year. The school year runs from July 1 to June 30.


The reason we send the school district reports with official grades on them is so that they know where to put her if she ever goes back to public school. So, think about what you'd want to happen if she were forced to go to school this September. Would you want her in first or kindergarten? If she's not ready for first, go ahead and list her as a kindergartener for the 2010-11 year.


There are advantages to labeling her a half-year below: it's happier to skip a grade than hold her back one, she's more mature than her grade peers and therefore has an advantage in live classes and on tests, and there are no required subjects for K so you can put whatever the heck you want on your IHIP.


This doesn't meant she has to be doing curriculum labeled as K or first grade by the publisher. No matter what grade you call it, put on the IHIP and quarterly reports exactly what she's actually capable of and doing.


I hope that helps and doesn't sound bossy.


thank you so much! i only just found this reply! it does help a lot & am still working diligently to have all my ducks in a row. i am so nervous working with the local district in this crazy small town...... we have so many former & present school board members, teachers & administrators in our church who are against our hs decision & it makes me so nervous that we will meet this when we send in our ihip.....

wish me luck!

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