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Comma usage question

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I notice I use commas wrongly a lot of the time. I think I know the rules, but clearly I stumble. (Yeah, I homeschool!)


Anyone know where I can I find a nice little concise guideline I can print out and sticky to my desk top?



My college English professor simplified comma usage for me. He grouped the various uses of commas into 4 groups. They are as follow.


Use a comma --

1. to separate items (can be phrases or clauses) in a series.

a, b, c, and d


2. after anything introductory:

word - usually end in -ly

phrase - usually prepositional

clause - usually subordinating


Not including for, but, or and


Anything that is not the subject, does not describe the subject,

and comes before the subject is introductory.


Subordinators are not introductory (unless what follows is



3. before any conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet), but ONLY when

the conjunction connects 2 main clauses.


4. to set off anything non-essential (word, phrase, or clause)


Treat all appositivies as non-essential (an appositive renames the noun

that comes before it)

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Use a comma --

1. to separate items (can be phrases or clauses) in a series.

a, b, c, and d

The serial comma.

Books and magazines tend to use it. Newspapers don't.

I was a newspaper copy editor for several years and never, ever use the serial comma. They actually drive me nuts. I don't know what I am going to due when it comes time teach that to DS. :glare:

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The serial comma.

Books and magazines tend to use it. Newspapers don't.

I was a newspaper copy editor for several years and never, ever use the serial comma. They actually drive me nuts. I don't know what I am going to due when it comes time teach that to DS. :glare:




How about if you just say, "Well, some style books use it, and some don't. I personally hate it." Then, let him decide for himself whether to use it. :)



I like it (the serial comma) because it prevents ambiguity in some circumstances, but I try not to get too emotional about it.


Math curriculum, though, don't get me started on that! (just kidding) :D

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