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Recommended titles on Down Syndrome?

Night Elf

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I own many books dealing with DS (my ds8 has DS). Woodbine has a series of books that deal mainly with speech, motor skills, etc. Differences in Common is a series of short essays. It's very good and not clinical or therapy focused; also not sappy or overly emotional, which I really appreciate. It's subtitled Straight Talk on Mental Retardation, Down Syndrome and Life (and that's true). When Slow is Fast Enough was fascinating and reaffirmed my commitment to homeschooling as opposed to the special ed system, which would never serve my son's needs. It may only be interesting from a school/educational view, though. There's a newer one on Amazon called Theology and Down Syndrome (can you believe it?) that intrigues me but I'm not ready to spend the money on it.


Nowadays, most of my interest in DS issues centers on the church and it's response to people with disabilities, rather than the educational system. I've read many books over the years and the titles escape me, for the most part. If you have a question about a particular book, though, there's a good chance I've read it.


Thanks for taking an interest :001_smile:,



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One of my favorite books is by a parent called Bethy and the Mouse where a dad chronicals his life with his dd, who has DS, and another child who had more profound disabilities. It isn't a clinical book, but it is thru the eyes of a parent which makes it wonderful, IMO.

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Carolyn -



I would be interested in hearing more about the books you read regarding disabilities and the church. This past year my daughter and I, along with another family, did a unit study on various disabilities. One of the books we read was from Jonie Erickson-Tada's ministry, but we are interested in learning more. Any recommendations would be helpful. Also, my daughter also has a heart for special needs children and volunteers doing horse therapy. Learning more about the various disabilities would be helpful. We read all of the books from our local library last year. THank you.




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Guest AussieClassic

I also have a son with Down Syndrome. The best book I have for general info (for adults, not for explaining to kids) is Woodbine Press Babies With Down Syndrome: A New Parents Guide. The best theology book I have is Same Lake Different Boat by Stephanie O. Hubach (forward by Joni Eareckson Tada) P&R Publishing http://www.prpbooks.com. This is a really terrific book dealing with disability more generally (though Stephanie has a son with DS and many examples relate to it). It is aimed at helping people care for those with disabilities and their families but was a great help to me also as a parent of a child with disabilites. Happy to answer any other questions you have on DS.

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Carolyn -



I would be interested in hearing more about the books you read regarding disabilities and the church. This past year my daughter and I, along with another family, did a unit study on various disabilities. One of the books we read was from Jonie Erickson-Tada's ministry, but we are interested in learning more. Any recommendations would be helpful. Also, my daughter also has a heart for special needs children and volunteers doing horse therapy. Learning more about the various disabilities would be helpful. We read all of the books from our local library last year. THank you.






I'm sorry...I did not see that you posted to me (not sure how I missed it). I don't really have anything new to add since Aussie's post. The book she referenced, "Same Lake..." well, I went to a conference on Disabilities and the Church where the author of this book was the main speaker. It validated, confirmed, etc. many of our feelings, thoughts, on how the church handles people with special needs. At least I walked away not feeling like an alien. I think it really depends on your church climate. I have a lot of personal thoughts on this matter but I wouldn't want to interject them unnecessarily.



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