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An ipod question . . .

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If you own more than one ipod, how do you download to each of them? Do you have separate itunes accounts, (and if so, how do you get separate accounts?), or do you just have one big account and each one gets its own music moved onto it manually (and how do you get your other ones onto your account?)


DS got an ipod for his birthday earlier this month, and we are finally getting around to putting some music on it. DH and I have an older ipod, which we use occasionally. When we plut our old ipod into my computer and start up itunes, our ipod shows up, along with the music we have on it.


When I plug in DS's new ipod, nothing shows up on itunes, and I don't know how to create an account for the new one on itunes.


Yes, I know I am completely clueless about this. I called my 14-year-old nephew for help but he is out skiing right now.


Thanks for any help!

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If you own more than one ipod, how do you download to each of them? Do you have separate itunes accounts, (and if so, how do you get separate accounts?), or do you just have one big account and each one gets its own music moved onto it manually (and how do you get your other ones onto your account?)


You shouldn't need a separate iTunes acct for each unit. We have several nanos and manually manage music on each. None of ours is larger than 8GB, so none will hold our entire iTunes library; even so, it's just easier not to use the automatic sync option since each of us listens to different music.


When I plug in DS's new ipod, nothing shows up on itunes, and I don't know how to create an account for the new one on itunes.


That's odd. :confused1: I've never had that happen. Whenever we've plugged in a new unit, iTunes has automatically detected it.

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You can certainly share an account and not buy double for tunes you both like. Dh and I share an account we use for our iPhones. If he downloads an app I like, I can download it to mine without having to pay again.


Unfortunately, I have no idea how to set it all up with your iPods. I am still learning too!

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Once you get the new ipod recognized by your computer, you just need to create paylists for your ds. Then, when the ipod is plugged in, click on it's icon (left hand list) and then on the Music tab, and select the playlists you want on that particular ipod.


:iagree: Dh and I share an itunes account but have different playlists, you can choose which playlist each ipod will sync with when it is plugged in.

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