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16 yr-old dd may need her gall bladder out...

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Apparently the stones are so bad the gb is curling up around them, all miserable. Poor dd...that is what happens when you eat a high-fat diet and avoid fresh friuts and veggies, right?


This seems very early at her age. Would you consider taking her to a naturopath and would she consider following any diet guidelines they may recommend?

There may be natural ways to reverse the damage since she is so young - but of course only if she changes her eating habits.

Having you gallbladder out this early in life cannot be good.

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most of the women on my father's side have had their gallbladders out by their early 20's - myself included and most of the men by 30. The pain is incredible so I wouldn't put it off. When I had the "final" attack, I had just had a baby via natural childbirth. The pain was way WAY worse.


There will likely be a learning curve afterwards as to what she can eat and what she cannot. I had to avoid high fat foods afterwards or I was running the bathroom. After 2-3 years, I was mostly ok although I do have food that will always upset me and that wasn't the case pre-surgery.


(((hugs))) to your dd. Gallbladder issues are not easy to deal with. The pain of minor attacks may feel severe but if you get a stone stuck in a duct like I did, it is excruciating. I couldn't talk or walk. I had emergency surgery to have my gallbladder removed but the stone was still stuck in a duct so I woke up in just as much pain. After waiting 24!!!! more agonizing hours to see if it would pass on its own, they ended up with me back in emergency surgery as I was rapidly turning quite yellow. I was given morphine and was still in a good deal of pain. I wouldn't wish it on anyone and always caution those who feel like they might can put it off.

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I had my gallbladder taken it out when I was 24. My mother and 2 of my sisters had their gallbladders removed in their late teens/early twenties. I'm all for natural therapies when available to cure things, but gall stone pain is insane. The surgery is not bad at all if done laprascopically (I so spelled that wrong.) If you don't have it removed, it takes one high fat meal to bring on gallstone pain again. Ask me how I know?

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My mil had some serious gallstones and worked with a naturopathic doctor instead of having surgery. I'm not sure exactly what the treatment was, something to the effect of consuming a lot of olive oil and laying on her right side (ok, I'm sure there was much more to it than that :D). Eventually she passed them all and now just watches her diet so it doesn't happen again. Might be worth looking into?



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Eventually she passed them all and now just watches her diet so it doesn't happen again. Might be worth looking into?



I would run away from this. Every time you pass a stone (which is no picnic) you risk a case of "gallstone pancreatitis". Pancreatitis is painful and people do sometimes die of it. Additionally, after one bout, with scarred ducts, you are at greater risk of another bout. Enough bouts and you are open to chronic pancreatitis with chronic pain and eventual scarring of the organ, leading to type I diabetics and the need to take enzymes with every meal.


This should scare you:


and there is a link with chronic pancreatitis at the bottom.

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