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Homemade veggie burger recipe?

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Funny, I was going to ask the same thing. I hate Boca burgers and all soy things. I liked the Nature Burgers okay; they appear to have rice in them. I used to make such things for myself but haven't in a long time. Texture is a big problem for me.


I'll keep my eye on this thread....

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My bf is a vegetarian and her burger is the only one I'll eat. Here is the recipe:

You have GOT to try this!!!!



Spicy Black Bean Burgers


Adapted from "Recipe of the Week: Burgers" by Sally Sampson



4 cups cooked, rinsed and drained black beans (about 2 ½ 15-ounce cans)

1/2 cup Japanese-style panko breadcrumbs

2 large eggs

4 scallions, both white and green parts, minced

3 tablespoons (a small handful) chopped basil or cilantro, or a combination

2 garlic cloves, minced

1 1/2-2 teaspoons ground cumin

1 1/2 teaspoons dried oregano

1-2 teaspoons crushed red pepper flakes

1 teaspoon coarse salt

1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper


Place 2 cups of the black beans in the bowl of a food processor and pulse until chunky.

Transfer to a large mixing bowl. Add remaining whole black beans, plus panko, eggs, scallions, fresh herbs, garlic, cumin, oregano and red pepper flakes and mix until well combined.

Using a dough cutter, portion mixture into patties about 1 inch thick. Suggested diameter: 3 inches; otherwise, the patty will be difficult to flip when cooking. KOD extra step that's worth doing: Place patties on a plate or tray and chill for 15 minutes so they can set up.

When ready to cook, remove patties from refrigerator and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place a cast-iron skillet over high heat, without any fat; when it is hot but not smoking, add burgers to dry pan.

Cook for about four minutes on first side or until well seared and with a flipping spatula, turn onto second side and allow to cook for an additional five minutes, over medium heat.

Serve immediately with fixins': Monterey jack, cheddar or queso fresco, lettuce, fresh tomato slice, pico de gallo or jarred salsa, sour cream, avocado. Good on a soft bun or by itself.

Makes four to six burgers.

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I have 4, and one really great meatball recipe (that we are having tonight, in fact). They are all slightly different in taste and texture, and since one gets tired of fake burgers easily we rotate the recipes. I will try to type them all out but it might take a few days... pm me if I get lost!


Here is the first. While not my favorite (but still good) I use it most often because I can make extras and freeze them. They also do really well served on a plate covered with gravy, with a side of mashed potatoes. Sometimes you just need those comfort foods!



Super Sunflower Bean Burgers



1 c cooked, mashed beans (pinto, kidney, adzuki or black)

1 c vegetable pulp from a juicer or finely chopped steamed veggies

1/2 c ground raw sunflower seeds

1 Tbs. ground raw pumpkin or sunflower seeds

1/2- 3/4 c amaranth or teff flour

1/2 c finely diced onions

3 tsp. dried parsley

2-3 tsp. simmered tamari sauce, or 1/2 bullion cube

1/2 tsp. each basil and dill

1/4 to 1/2 tsp. salt

Several dashes cayenne

Optional: 1 tsp. ground or whole flaxseeds


Precook and mash the beans. Mix all ingredients together well; use extra flour if mixture is too wet. Shape into 6 medium burgers about 1/2 inch thick. Can be broiled on wire grill or on oiled flat surface for 8-10 minutes on the first side and 5-8 minutes on the other side. They can also be baked at about 375 degrees for 25- 30 minutes. Cooked burgers keep for 3-5 days refrigerated or may be frozen.

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I grew up veg*n so am not totally sure that my recipe will pass muster for people familiar with "normal" hamburger patties ;) but here it is:


2.5 cups cooked, drained beans

.5 cup of uncooked oats (or grits or whatever is on hand)

2 tbsp tamari (or soy sauce or Bragg's or whatever you use)

+ oil or butter or whatever you use, to pan-fry the patties.


Drain and mash the beans, then add the oats and tamari. Knead well, then form into patties. Pan-fry on high for 1-2 minutes, then reduce heat and flip over until cooked through.


My sister adds chili powder or cumin and then crumbles the patties to put into her bean chili. I sometimes swap tamari for teriyaki or pineapple juice just for a different flavor base and stick into a wrap. Pretty basic recipe that is easily adaptable. Versatile, too - not just for patties, but can be used as faux-meat filler for spaghetti sauces or lasagna, or other dishes.


It's not as sturdy as a regular hamburger patty appears to be, but it holds up pretty well - it doesn't crumble super easily. And it doesn't taste like cardboard like so many I've tasted in restaurants - blech!

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Gluten Free/ Vegan Mock Meatballs


2 Tbs. Oil

1 Large onion, finely chopped

1 c Broccoli and/or asparagus, chopped small (1/2 inch or less)

1 c Carrots and/or orange yams, chopped small (rinse yams)

1 c Celery and/or bell pepper, chopped small

1/2 c Water chestnuts, almonds, and/or pecans, chopped small (may substitute 1/2 c Jerusalem artichokes)

1/2 c Black olives, chopped small, and/or water- packed artichoke hearts, drained and chopped small

2-3 Cloves garlic, minced

2 Tbs. Veg. Broth powder or 2 Veg. Bullion Cubes

2-3 Tbs. Tamari sauce

3-4 Tbs. Fresh chopped Parsley, or 4 tsp. dried

1 tsp. each Basil, paprika, and dill

1/2 tsp. each marjoram and thyme

1/4 tsp. Sea Salt

2 c. crumbled regular tofu, or 2 c. cooked whole grain (brown rice, millet, kasha, or quinoa)

1/2 c ground raw almonds, filberts, pecans, and/ or sunflower seeds

2 Tbs. Soy, chickpea, or brown lentil flour


Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Heat the oil until hot and saute the onion for one minute. Add the broccoli/asparagus, and carrots/ yams and saute for another 2-3 minutes. Add all the remaining ingredients except the last 3 and saute another 2 minutes. Break up the bullion cubes in the stir fry and mix them well with everything else. Stir regularly.


Remove the mixture from the heat when done. Mix the remaining three ingredients well and add the veg. mixture to them, mixing thoroughly. Form the mixture into balls using 1/8 to 1/4 c. for each ball. Bake on oiled flat pan for 18-22 minutes until firm, brown and hot. These keep 5-7 days refrigerated, or may be frozen.


To turn this into meatloaf: Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Generously oil a loaf pan or square casserole. Line the bottom of the pan with waxed paper and oil again. Gently press the mixture into the pan and shape to make a smooth, rounded top. You may top with various seeds if desired, or add a sprinkling of paprika. Bake for 40-50 minutes uncovered until nicely browned and firm. Cool for 5-10 minutes before slicing. Keeps for up to 7 days refrigerated and may be frozen.

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Thanks so much! I intend to make each and every recipe listed here because I am on a serious mission. Its driving me crazy that something so simple is actually a really hard thing to pull off. Beans, a few veggies, maybe some rice, oats or bread crumbs, and maybe an egg to hold it all together, right? I don't know how I keep messing this up. I think it has something to do with the bread crumbs - I think oats might lend a bit to that texture I'm looking for. I've never used panko before - now would be a good time to give it a try :).


Thanks again!!

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