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Veritas Press History Cards


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So I'm STILL trying to figure out our first grade history plan. :confused: So many choices!! I've been reading raves about the Veritas Press History Cards. Are these just a "tickler" system? I've checked several websites that sell them (including the VP website) and this is the best pic I can find of them: http://www.veritaspress.com/prodinfo.asp?number=000100. Is there more info on the back side of the card?


If you use these with your history curriculum, how do you use them?

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There are 3-4 paragraphs on the back side of each card that give the general information on the person/event, dates and where to find more information on the topic from the VP resources (i.e. Famous Men of the Middle Ages, pgs 189-193 for the "Gutenberg Prints the Bible" card.


I don't use VP formally. We use the cards in CC, so we're mainly using them for timeline memorization. But I see us using them more next year when we do a research-based program (TRISMS). It's like a short encyclopedia entry for each card.

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For 1st, I would definitely encourage not using them as your spine. I think they're a great addition to your curriculum, for memory & timeline purposes, even get the cd and memorize the songs as well, but they are quite dry for a 1st grader. Ask me how I know... ;) That is what made up my dd's 1st grade curriculum 9 years ago, and she was bored to tears and we wound up dreading doing them. She did memorize the song and knew several impressive "facts" from them, but we could have had so much more fun and had a much more rounded curriculum had I just added those as an extra to something else.

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The cards are part of the curriculum. There is a text that goes along with the cards. It is called the "Teacher's Manual" for each year, but it is also the student text. It is meant to be used with 2nd - 6th grades. It would be too much for most first graders. It does not correlate with the WTM order of learning history. VP lengthens the grammar stage and shortens the logic and rhetoric stages, but in the end you do repeat your history etc. for each part of the trivium. There is a separate Bible and History curriculum that uses the same format. The text has projects and activities that make the cards less "dry." The cards are a place to hang your hat for memorization and the resources expand the knowledge in the area. The songs help you with your timeline (topics, dates and scripture references). Overall we have been pleased. In first grade the VP academy does state history. That is what I decided to do also, but it might also be a good time to get a little background in American history since it will be a long time in this curriculum before you get to it. We didn't do that, but through lots of reading of historical fiction, and discussion when historical holidays come up, I am trying to help her so she doesn't feel lost.

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We use them for CC timeline as well, and have enjoyed them. Something I didn't expect is how much I enjoy the art/pictures on the front of each card. I feel like my kids are being exposed to all sorts of classic and famous art, sculpture, photographs, portraits... I'm a visual learner and my dd is as well, so I know when she sees those pictures again in another context she'll be able to identify them right away.


Oh, and I second the lamination suggestion. I bought pouches for them from Oregon Laminating and did them all in an evening. No trimming that way, and they are very firm and durable.

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