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Memorizing VP cards in a year!

Medieval Mom

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We are part of a CC group so we memorize them. For the first few years, we just followed along with the CC guide and learned eight each week for 20 weeks. We would practice them in six week sections, dropping the oldest section each week when we added a new section. We were familiar with it, but we couldn't say it from beginning to end.


This year, though, my oldest wants to be a memory master so we've been working on learning the whole thing. I typed up the entire timeline on one sheet of paper and read through the whole thing every single day. While I'm reading it, the boys whisper along with me and do the motions that our group came up with. (I have them whisper b/c I want them to hear it correctly and I don't want to have to shout over them!) We then work on the newest section starting with the last card of the last week and going to the first card of the next week. (This helps them keep the sections in order. Before I started doing it this way, they could say each eight card section, but would sometimes get stuck and not remember which one came next!) Finally, I have them recite everything they've learned so far.


It sounds like a lot, but since they're so familiar with the timeline, it really takes less than 10 minutes a day.

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We, too, are part of a CC group and learn 8 a week for 20 weeks. This is our first year doing it and my kids are just beginning to read so they're memorizing the pictures. The greatest thing ever: hand motions! Without the hand motions, we'd be lost. My kids won't have them truly memorized at the end of this year, but next year I expect they'll be able to recite most of them in order, from memory.


You can look on YouTube, there are plenty of groups that post videos of them doing the hand motions. We did all of them every week for the first 12 weeks, but when we start back in January we'll just focus on 6 weeks at a time. Typing them up to read in order has helped us, too.


We play games with the VP cards like Go Fish (instead of pairs they ask for a chronological card-like a "match" for Tower of Babel would be either The Flood or Unification...). We do races to see who can put a small stack in order fastest. I also put out a handful of cards in order and they have to figure out what's missing.


I'm trying to think of a way to record an mp3 of someone saying all the cards to put on a cd to listen to in the van when we're going hither, thither and yon.

Edited by VA6336
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