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Wanna play "chore time"?

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I'm needing some motivation... 2 sick kids and a house that needs some attention.

Sooooo I'm determined to get things looking like Christmas around here to get some spirits lifted, and lift the germs out the window!!!

I'm going to start a fire, read a book to the kids, and then spend 15 mins on dishes!


Anyone else want to play?

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Fire lit and making it nice and warm and toasty in here. Love the smell of a fire! Kids happily coloring and creating. Dishes loaded in dishwasher. One load in the dryer, and second load in the washer. DH tucked into bed for the day.

Off to vacuum!!!!


Feel free to jump on in with me! Little or small, let me know I'm not the only one who's feeling a need to CLEAN IT UP OR THROW IT OUT!

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I hope your kids feel better really soon! I'm sorry you're sick. Nobody should be allowed to be sick this time of year! My dd's fever just broke yesterday. We're all praying we don't get whatever she had!


I'll join you on the "getting rid of germs and getting the house ready for company" day! I had a schedule made out and everything and I got REALLY far behind because of this illness.


Today, I need to:


Cook and freeze about 50 pancakes

Wrap Stocking Stuffers

Pay the bills

Run to Rite Aid

Organize the kids' toys so there'll be room for more!


I think that's it!

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Thanks for joiing me ladies - it's nice to know I'm not the only one cleaning up and out today.


I'm not the sick one - yet! And it better stay that way! Luckily everyone is feeling a bit better today, and that is one of my motivators. I want the germs OUT!


OK - whole first floor vacuumed! Two flights of steps vacuumed (by the kids)! Second load done in the dryer, but I never put another one in the washer... We'll get there! Lunch break!

Music is a great thing - loving the Sounds of the Season channel on the TV!


After lunch - vacuuming the third floor and sweeping out the bathrooms. And keeping the laundry going. Maybe if we're good we can get a change of scenery and drive to the library to drop off books in the book drop. (It's out of the house, right?)

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Feel free to jump on in with me! Little or small, let me know I'm not the only one who's feeling a need to CLEAN IT UP OR THROW IT OUT!


You're NOT the only one. It was just a little thing, but I sorted through the twirling girlies hair stuff (little rubber bands, clippies, etc.) and threw out anything that they didn't use...Why does any little girl need 250 rubber bands for hair? :lol:

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The company was much appreciated! :grouphug:

My kitchen is clean, except for the dish soaking in the sink from dinner. First and third floors were cleaned and vacuumed, as were two sets of steps. Bathrooms wiped down. DH's laundry done. Some of our regular laundry done. Kids are feeling better, and they had a good day - created some beautiful pictures, read some great books, and had some fun.


Also finally moved the potatoes and onions to their new spaces, and now I have an empty cabinet shelf in my kitchen!


I did get sidetracked... and never got to the library, but at least DH and I figured out what exactly was wrong with the telescope, and we know how to fix it! I was ready to toss it... it was saved.


Feeling MUCH better than I did this morning... ahhhh I love the feeling of less clutter!


Glad you all could play, too. And I'm so inspired by some of your completed chores as well... Been putting off cleaning out the barrette and hair thing drawer. And present wrapping... might be good to get some of that done...


But alas, tomorrow is another day!

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