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Sunrise alarm clock?

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I'm thinking of getting a sunrise alarm clock for my husband for Christmas. Anyone use one? Do they work? I think this would be perfect for him as he hates to be awakened suddenly and he frequently comments that he would be good if he could just wake up naturally with the sun each morning.


There are several out there, but this is the one I'm looking at right now.



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I just saw one of these online th other day and I think they are a great idea. If I had to get up early with an alarm, I would get one for sure. In my case, I wake up early anyway, and I dont even have to, so it's not much use. And my kids arent little anymore either- I love the idea of using one as a night light to send them off to sleep.

Cool idea.

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I love mine. For the past few years I've been unable to wake up without light, so in the winter I would drag my carcass out of bed at 8 and still feel sluggish and tired. Mine is just a light, it starts at 6 and is full brightness at 6.30. I place it so that it's right in my face, and I wake up feeling good!

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