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Haven't seen an H1N1 thread in awhile...

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Nearly 10,000 U.S. deaths caused by swine flu

About 1 in 6 Americans has been infected with the H1N1 virus, CDC says


Swine flu has caused nearly 10,000 deaths in the United States, part of an outbreak that has infected about 50 million Americans, government health officials said Thursday.


The deaths as of mid-November included about 1,100 children and 7,500 younger adults, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. About 200,000 people have been hospitalized, he noted.


The new estimates mean about 1 in 6 Americans has had the illness since the outbreak began last spring.


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Those are the "estimated" numbers from that thing the CDC did. While I believe the actual number is higher than the "confirmed" reported cases that the CDC shares, I don't think it is anywhere near 10K Americans! I just don't believe it. I don't believe there have been 1100 kids either! If anyone thinks, for a MINUTE that a child can die and no one will investigate further as to whether it was H1N1 that caused the death, they are nuts. Adults, maybe they slip through the cracks, but NOT kids. It is RIDICULOUS that the CDC reports that less than 100 kids die on average each year of seasonal flu based on ACTUAL NUMBERS, but then report that 1100 kids have died from H1N1. ??? That makes absolutely no sense at all.


In my state, there have been 40 or so deaths. Not even ONE death has been within 200 miles of where I live though. The closest were in Knoxville/Maryville area and even then, it has only been 3 (1 child, 2 adults) and that was back at the beginning of the rise in cases in October.


I agree with others that you definitely don't want to be one of those who get it deep in the lungs. I agree people are dying from it and that kids and younger people are oddly succeptible. But 10K Americans. I don't buy it for a second.

Edited by Tree House Academy
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I agree that the reason there has been less in the news about it is because there is a lull at the moment. I don't believe that means it was a hysterical reaction on the part of the CDC or the media.


I think when you look at the actual numbers v. the estimated numbers you must realized that the estimates are based on the fact that unless they get really sick people aren't going to the doctor and/or getting tested.


The danger with H1N1 isn't the fact that more people get it that traditional flu. The danger has been that more *otherwise healthy* young people are being hospitalized and dying from it. Usually, the only people dying from the flu are immune-compromised people and/or people who are very young or very old. That isn't the case here. That's the reason for the media attention.


Let's look at the stats for the most recent week reported: Nov 22-28.




  • 956 (15.4%) specimens tested by U.S. World Health Organization (WHO) and National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) collaborating laboratories and reported to CDC/Influenza Division were positive for influenza.
  • Over 99% of all subtyped influenza A viruses being reported to CDC were 2009 influenza A (H1N1) viruses.
  • The proportion of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza (P&I) was above the epidemic threshold for the ninth consecutive week.
  • Seventeen influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported. Twelve of these deaths were associated with 2009 influenza A (H1N1) virus infection and five were associated with an influenza A virus for which the subtype was undetermined.


I don't think it is or was hysteria. I *do* think it's possible all of the media attention meant people may have been more careful. Maybe they stayed home when they were sick more, maybe everyone washed their hands more often, maybe the attention did some good. Even then, 17 children died in this one week.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, even though this thread seems to be older, I will start it up again by saying I'm pretty sure our house is recovering from H1N1! And the household of our friends. We took their daughter with us on a car trip last Sat, and by the time she got home that night she had a 103 fever. On Monday morning, my daughter and I started coming down with it, and we also got the 103 fever for about 3 days. Terrible fever, headache, body aches, no appetite---misery! Just now getting over the cough. We both lost about 5 pounds. By Thursday, my husband, son and the girls parents started getting it----but MUCH more mildly than we had it!!! Really strange. Their fevers never topped more than about 101. We all also had a touch of nausea and some stomachache/diarrhea. I still can't get over just how hard and severe this thing got my daughter, myself and my daughter's friend---and then how within 3-4 days the virus was weaker for everyone else that got it.

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Well, even though this thread seems to be older, I will start it up again by saying I'm pretty sure our house is recovering from H1N1! And the household of our friends. We took their daughter with us on a car trip last Sat, and by the time she got home that night she had a 103 fever. On Monday morning, my daughter and I started coming down with it, and we also got the 103 fever for about 3 days. Terrible fever, headache, body aches, no appetite---misery! Just now getting over the cough. We both lost about 5 pounds. By Thursday, my husband, son and the girls parents started getting it----but MUCH more mildly than we had it!!! Really strange. Their fevers never topped more than about 101. We all also had a touch of nausea and some stomachache/diarrhea. I still can't get over just how hard and severe this thing got my daughter, myself and my daughter's friend---and then how within 3-4 days the virus was weaker for everyone else that got it.


We had a similar situation here with my younger son getting sicker than anyone else. His fever was at 103* - 104* for days. His other symptoms were equally severe.

The rest of us had a headache and a mild cough.


I took my son to the doctor and he was confirmed to have Influenza B.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

We didn't vaccinate. We haven't been sick at all. We know a couple of people who may have had the flu.

The vaccine is being given away for free all over the place. I don't think they are getting many takers.

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