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Wii games help needed

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We are getting a Wii for Christmas. This will be a family gift, and I want the games to be things we'll all like -- ages 4 to 40-something;).


I will get us Mario Kart, as I heard that was a "no brainer" from multiple people IRL and online.


I'd like to get 1 -2 more. I"m going bug-eyed looking online at all the choices!


My oldest ds has a Nintendo DS with a Star Wars game and an Indiana Jones games -- I consider those more personal video games, and would like whatever we get for Wii to not copy what we have on the DS so far. I also want the Wii games to be fun for more than 1 person to play at a time.



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We are doing the same. I just bought the Wii play on amazon, partly because it comes with an extra controller and partly because the games sound fun. We also have gamecube games that we can play on the wii so I want to wait to find out about those before we buy more.


I just ordered ours today so it can be brought down by a team before Christmas! So excited!!!

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Wii Fit is one of our favorite "family" games on the Wii. I know that sounds strange, since only one person can play at a time. But since there are many activities of many different types, we find that there is something for everyone. Every single activity scores the individual performance (yes, even the yoga!), which means that you can do everything competitively if you like. The balance games are the most popular (soccer heading, ski-jumping, slalom, labyrinth, etc.) for family play.


Wii Fit is quite expensive since you need to purchase the Wii Balance Board to use the game.

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We have loved the lego games;


Lego Star Wars

Lego Indiana Jones

Lego Batman

the lego versons of these games might be sufficiently different from the ds version for you.


They love to play wii sports together. We always look at the back and make sure more than one person can play. I also don't let them play games where they have to virtually beat each other up. That just seems so wrong.


Funny story. When my MIL asked what the kids wanted for Christmas, I told her if she wanted to get them a group gift they would love the wii fit. She called dh a few weeks later to tell him she couldn't find the "wii kit" anywhere. He told her she was looking for the "wii fit."

she said;


"Oh, I saw that, but it was for exercise, so I didn't think it looked like you guys at all!"




Maybe it is time to open the Weight Watchers cookbooks they gave me the Christmas I was 8 months pregnant.


Amber in SJ

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If you're going to need an extra remote anyway, I would suggest getting Wii Play. The game ends up being about $10 after the cost of the remote. It's not the greatest game in the world or anything, but we have definitely gotten way more than $10 worth of play out of it.


The new Super Mario Brothers Wii is fun.

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