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Not sure where you are in level C...

We needed a calculator when we used the "repeat" feature. (so you'd just keep hitting '=' and it gave you the multiples of that number.) That was just more for fun than anything in my book. If we get to where they use it to check answers, I will teach them how to check them without it first, then show them how on the calculator.


From what I remember, WTM is talking about using a calculator to actually do the calculations, right? We're on lesson 61, and we haven't come across any problems where they want you to do the adding or subtracting or whatever on the calculator (at least that I remember! If they did have problems like that, I would skip them.)

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We did them because they are fun! Pushing buttons is cool. My two kids got calculators as a party favor once and pretended they were spy computers and they were the best idea ever. Now that ds is doing multidigit multiplication I sometimes let him use the calculator to check his work, if he gets one wrong he has to go back himself and see where he made the error. I am very much for math facts, being able to do everything himself on paper or in his head, but using a calculator as a supplement once in a while doesn't interfere with that goal.

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In C it's cool to see the numbers jump by mulitples.. ds has used it a few times ( less then 5) in D and once he was freaking out so he did a worksheet by finding the answers with a calculator then had to work the problem 6 times to get teh answer correct. FOR HIM , on that ONE worksheet, it was helpful. He stuck with it until he got eh correct answer. Mostly he prefers to do everything in his head and pretty much can, thanks to RS.


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Those who use RS. Do you teach the calculator portions?


I know the WTM does not recommend elementary kids using calculators. I'm not sure I see the point in teaching my 8 yr old how to use a calculator right now.


You really don't use the calculator to do math, it is more playing with math facts. My kids think it is a hoot!




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