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Do You Like Rap?  

  1. 1. Do You Like Rap?

    • Is there any other kind of music?
    • I Can Dig It, Daddy-O
    • Eh - I can listen to anything
    • No - It rattles my nerves and hurts my ears
    • What is it?
    • Other

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My favorite M.C. is Escher


Weird Al is the only rapper I can get down with, dawg.


:lol:Same here. I can only stomach rap parodies. My kids have gone through a Wierd Al phase. I had shown them some of the originals songs that were parodied, but I had to draw the line at some of it (Like a Surgeon and White and Nerdy come to mind.)


I was stuck at a stop light on a beautiful "windows down" day. A car pulled up next to me - blasting some rap crap. I was listening to the lyrics ... and I was horrified. I had the kids in the car and quickly rolled up the windows, turned on the AC and cranked a Christian rock CD:).

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Sort of like asking if I like chocolate or orchestral music. I love good dark chocolate and Baroque, not so much cheap chocolate bars and classical.


Rap is like most genres of music, diverse with varying degrees of quality. I've heard some I love and some I despise and lots I'm indifferent to.




That's very well put. :iagree:

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