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Handwriting and Kindergarten


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My dd (5/04) is enjoying K at home this year, and she is doing very well. Handwriting, the subject she enjoyed the least at the beginning, has become less of a struggle. Although I feel ill equipped to really determine how well she's doing at it, she is definitely making progress. She is almost finished with the kindergarten book from Handwriting Without Tears. My question is this: should I proceed to the next book since we've basically only covered how to make the letters and numbers, or should I just come up with my own practices for her and start the next book when she's in first grade? I prefer to have the exercises already prepared (i.e. in a consumable workbook), especially when we're in the formative stages, but I am willing to make my own sheets if the collective wisdom here thinks it best. :D

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My dd5 went from K to 1st in HWT just fine. HWT1 just reviews making all the letters again, only a little bit smaller, and also includes lists of words. It's easy. I figured when we finished the HWT1 book I would start her on my own copy work, but it turns out she is interested in learning cursive now.

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You'll have no problems at all doing the 1st grade book with her. It starts almost back at the beginning with reviewing letters, just moves a little faster (because it's supposed to be review) than the K book. The lines get a little smaller and they write words, but they're not words that she wouldn't be capable of: boy, cap, cat, man, etc.

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Do you have the next book to see what comes next?

I ask this because DD (same age as yours) finished the K book and I bought the 1st grade book to start. When I received it and looked through it, I was sure that she was not ready for it. The workbooks are cheap so I ended up buying another K book and she is happy doing it again.

The jump is not a vast one from the K book to 1st, but I have a very reluctant writer.

If possible go ahead buy the book and then decide.


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Thanks for all the responses and advice. I think I will go ahead and purchase the next book, although I do like the idea of possibly repeating the K book. I don't think we have had enough practice, really. However, if the 1st grade book does review a lot, we'll probably be fine.


I think my problem is that I can't remember how to make the letters properly myself. :tongue_smilie: I need more practice.

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Are there any programs that use the HWOT font to create more practice? I know StartWrite does not, but are there other workbooks or something?


I have been wondering this as well, because I feel like ds could use more practice than the copying in the HWOT workbooks, but have had a hard time finding anything else using the same font & two line style, and switching to anything else at this point would throughly confuse him.

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Actually, abcteach.com does. I had a trial membership to write up a review for my blog, but I haven't renewed. It was a little unwieldy to use, and the fonts were a little "mechanical" looking (i.e. not smooth, etc.), but it might be worth it if you really want to make your own practice sheets.

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You could just get some of the gray block paper if you think she needs more practice before moving on to the next book, but I think she would probably be fine with the first grade level. Ariel finished the HWT K book before she turned 5, so I downloaded a copywork book from Currclick (Beatrix Potter for Beginners) before starting to use a first grade workbook in August.

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