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Do your kids know how to entertain themselves

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I've always found that the best way to spark creativity in children is to ground them from "screen" time for about a week. The first couple days are a royal pain, but then they begin to get the picture.
I agree. My kids don't get computer time outside of certain school subjects Monday through Friday, but the TV makes up for it.


Last week I gave them the option: No Lessons IF they agreed to no TV before 6pm and to read 30min per grade level. They all sat around reading books and comparing interesting facts they were learning and by 6pm they had found so many fun things to do the TV got turned on but they were off playing together every night! I actually allowed computer use for learning whatever they wanted, but they rarely took me up on it.


I think the no TV before 6pm rule might be made permanent.

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I don't have time to read all the replies, but I wonder...


Is it possible he is 'yanking your chain?' Maybe trying to punish you for punishing him? He's really bugging you, and maybe he knows it, and hopes you'll never impose this level of screen-time restriction again?


Just a thought.


Good luck with this. This parenting thing is no walk in the park some days...

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Legos. They could play with them for hours a day, every day, for years. In fact, that's what they've done for several years.


They also do a lot of drawing, reading, puzzles, exploring outside to find bugs, shooting hoops, kicking a ball, playing with figurines (Playmobile and other assorted), dressup (still). They have no problem entertaining themselves and view school as quite a hindrance.

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Legos. They could play with them for hours a day, every day, for years. In fact, that's what they've done for several years.


They also do a lot of drawing, reading, puzzles, exploring outside to find bugs, shooting hoops, kicking a ball, playing with figurines (Playmobile and other assorted), dressup (still). They have no problem entertaining themselves and view school as quite a hindrance.


Same here... especially the last sentence! Ha!


I've found that starting with homeschooling lessons while they're still "captive" at the breakfast table (and before they've run off to entertain themselves) is the best bet to getting *any* of the work *I* want done accomplished.


Luckily, my kids usually love playing together (or if they're preferring time alone they'll go off and read or play with Legos).

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My children usually have no problem finding something to do. If they do venture to say the words, "I'm bored", they will be given a list of chores. I'm always looking for helpers. :D


My kids do play video games, and sometimes watch tv, but they have time limits, and there is no video games or tv during school hours. School offically goes till 3:00 most days, so even if some of the kids are done, they know that there is no tv or video games until the set time.

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