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Anyone using just the memory work from CC?


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I did last year. I would put the info no a large white board in our dining room by subject (I have a picture on my blog somewhere-I think it's under "classical ed"). I'd introduce the memory work on Monday and we'd spend maybe an hour on it- maybe more-using various mneumonics (I've listed some on my blog). Then we'd go over it everyday. As the weeks progressed we'd continue to add in review as we introduced new work. We also used the CC Cd's-that helped immensely. And we used IEW's Poetry Memorization along with.

This year I created our own memory work, using our history work (Intro to Classical studies by MP and SOTW) and Drew Campbell's Memory work. I have big plans to create my own CD's of the memory work, starting with the Grammar Catechism-but everything's been on hold since the fire and the funeral. We just leased a house so we might hit a stride again in Jan.

I really see the value of so much memory but my big angst with CC was the lack of integration and age appropriate work. (for instance in cycle II they are memorizing the def for a gerund when they don't yet know what a verb is and the geography is all over the map -lol =). Living memory makes more sense to me but then you don't have the helps that you can get from CC.

sorry fro the long post. Feel free to email with more questions if you'd like.

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If I were not in CC.... I would do this:


1)choose scripture to memorize


2) memorize the VP cards


3) use IEW's poetry memory (or memorize other poetry)


4) use definitions and lists from FLL for grammar memory


5) let them listen to the CC history songs for fun on their own


6) decide if there was anything in the science sentences I wanted (this would be lower down on my priority list)


7) memorize Latin coordinated with proper timing with our Latin curriculum


8) if I still needed more ideas I might buy Drew's book


The first two to four on my list are our priorities even though we are in CC.

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We were in the program for one year and this is the second year of doing it on our own. I do the memory work every morning during breakfast. Half the time they are spitting out their eggs as they are reciting (note to self: this is effective for memory work but not for manners :-) ), but it really works. We spend about 15 minutes a day on the material. I even hand out the maps to have them find the geography locations. Fridays we review all of the previous week's info. Later in the day while I'm working with one child, another child does the Power Point CD. This all works really well. I'm so pleased with their retention. And let me tell you, buying the CD and the Power Point is WAY cheaper than having four kids in the program. And...we aren't out of the house for a whole day...we can get it done in 15 minutes. It is wonderful. Hope that helps, Jean. Let me know if you need any other specifics.



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I do it with CC, but I know how I'd use it if I weren't... I'll share, but modify with your info... Are you already doing VP? What do you do for Grammar? And... what do you do for Math? Tell me that... and I'll let you know how I'd do it:-)





We are using TOG, R&S grammar, IEW writing and Saxon & Chalkdust for math.


Thank you all for the ideas and suggestions!

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So, If I were using TOG, I'd pull apart the memory work so that it went over four cycles... or add in... I like to play with pulling apart cds and them putting them back together the way I want. I'd look at the science and put it together according to my science schedule and such. I also think I prefer Shurley Grammar for the definitions and such... and might plug those into the proper slots if I happened to have a cd. I like the math ok.... If you have other math you prefer.... well:-)... but leave in all the later weeks... squares... cubes... etc.

I would also do recitations for cumulative weeks for work..... in otherwords... I wouldn't want to "forget" the other cycles while you're working on the present one:-) I also like "Visualize World Geography" ... I think it's called... and might try to incorporate this starting next year:-) (For the right Geography slots:-0 )



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We were in the program for one year and this is the second year of doing it on our own. I do the memory work every morning during breakfast. Half the time they are spitting out their eggs as they are reciting (note to self: this is effective for memory work but not for manners :-) ), but it really works. We spend about 15 minutes a day on the material. I even hand out the maps to have them find the geography locations. Fridays we review all of the previous week's info. Later in the day while I'm working with one child, another child does the Power Point CD. This all works really well. I'm so pleased with their retention. And let me tell you, buying the CD and the Power Point is WAY cheaper than having four kids in the program. And...we aren't out of the house for a whole day...we can get it done in 15 minutes. It is wonderful. Hope that helps, Jean. Let me know if you need any other specifics.




I am interested in CC but with a 2 year old, I don't think being out once a week will work.


What exactly do I have to buy to implement this at home?

Edited by ustasmom
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