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Best BB Gun to buy for DS

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Looks like we are going to get both DS11 and DS6 a BB gun for a Christmas gift.


Not sure what to buy though. I went right for the Red Ryder, cuz I recognized the name AND it looked like the ones we had just used at the Cub Scout Cuboree a few weeks ago (like an old wooden rifle). But DH says someone told him the Airsoft is the way to go. DH also thinks Red Ryder is "old school" not that he knows anymore about BB guns than me.


Though I did remember that DS6 had a hard time with the rifle one at Cub Scouts, so maybe it would be better for him not to use this style.


Just for info: These would only be used with our supervision and assistance.


Any BB gun recommendations? What is the difference between a pellet gun and BB gun? Which one is an Airsoft?



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It all comes down to cost and just how powerful a gun you want.


I like the single shot, top break rifles. They have a rifled barrel and can be quite powerful. A few years back they were running about $45 and were from China. Swing by a gun store or gun show and ask around.

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