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Plasma Cars for 8 and 9 year olds?

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My children are both asking for a Plasma Car for Christmas. I know that even adults can scoot around on these things, but I admit to being surprised that this is at the top of their lists. Do any of you have experience with Plasma Cars? Is this gift "too young" for my kids? I mean, I'm happy that there is nary a request for anything electronic on their lists, and they are not asking for much more (Lego for DS & Calico Critters/Tinkerbell Fairies for DD), but I'd hate to spend $100 on 2 Plasma Cars to have them gathering dust!


Thanks for any thoughts!

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My children are both asking for a Plasma Car for Christmas. I know that even adults can scoot around on these things, but I admit to being surprised that this is at the top of their lists. Do any of you have experience with Plasma Cars? Is this gift "too young" for my kids? I mean, I'm happy that there is nary a request for anything electronic on their lists, and they are not asking for much more (Lego for DS & Calico Critters/Tinkerbell Fairies for DD), but I'd hate to spend $100 on 2 Plasma Cars to have them gathering dust!


Thanks for any thoughts!


My 5 and 3 year olds have ridden these with great joy. They are pretty big, and if you live someplace with REALLY SMOOTH sidewalks and something of an incline they would work. They don't work on bumpy surfaces at all.


Our neighbor boy who appears to be between 9 and 12 (I'm BAD at guestimating ages!) has a cool thing - it's a 3-wheeled scooter. If you can picture this, it's shaped like a boomerang in back, with footrests on each arm. Then from the top of the boomerang is a long pole with handlebars. He slaloms down the road - think of a skiing motion. He rides the thing all the time. I think it looks like a lot of fun, it's self-propelled like a Plasma car and perhaps a bit more age appropriate. I wish I knew what it was called... It might even be made by Razor...it has that same look.

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I got my kids a plasma car when they were 5 and 8, I think, maybe even slightly younger. It wasn't the biggest hit. I think it may have been harder to ride outdoors than other things we have -- so scooters, stilts, moonshoes etc have been used more. But my kids didn't ask for it so your mileage may vary.

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My ds (9) just got a plasma car with a birthday gift card he had. He is really thin and tall and rides it fine. He likes to go down the big hill in our neighborhood. I can't say he has been wild about riding it since he got it, but it has also been cold and ugly here. I have just been counting on that my dd will use it to, when she gets a little bigger

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Our neighbor boy who appears to be between 9 and 12 (I'm BAD at guestimating ages!) has a cool thing - it's a 3-wheeled scooter. If you can picture this, it's shaped like a boomerang in back, with footrests on each arm. Then from the top of the boomerang is a long pole with handlebars. He slaloms down the road - think of a skiing motion. He rides the thing all the time. I think it looks like a lot of fun, it's self-propelled like a Plasma car and perhaps a bit more age appropriate. I wish I knew what it was called... It might even be made by Razor...it has that same look.


I think you are talking about this - Razor Caster Scooter. We are thinking about getting one of them for ds, who is 12.


We have a Plasma Car that dd got for her 4th b-day. DD is 7 now, and the Plasma Car stays in the basment until my 4-year old nephew comes over - he really enjoys it.


I think your kids might be too old for it - the novelty will wear off quickly. Maybe you could get one Plasma Car and one scooter?


Heather in MD

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  • 4 weeks later...

My kids--5 and 2--each have one. They are mainly used indoors and work wonderfully. They use them as designed, but also by pushing with their feet like a regular ride-on toy. They also have used them outdoors with marginal success. The driveway is fine because it's fairly smooth. Otherwise there are issues. But at the same time, since they also push with their feet, it doesn't seem to bother them overly much. I don't know that I see them using the cars past about 8 or 9, though. HTH

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