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I am loving Around the World in 180 Days!


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We have done this program now for 2 weeks. We started in Europe because it fit better with our history at the moment. We are loving it! My dc are asking to work on it. They are going back to the bookshelf on their own to "dig out the treasures"! It is a great mystery to be solved by them. This is the best thing I have purchased in years. They are working together to find the solutions. Even on the weekend when I do not have anything scheduled, they are pulling out their notebooks and looking through it. Great find!

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We have done this program now for 2 weeks. We started in Europe because it fit better with our history at the moment. We are loving it! My dc are asking to work on it. They are going back to the bookshelf on their own to "dig out the treasures"! It is a great mystery to be solved by them. This is the best thing I have purchased in years. They are working together to find the solutions. Even on the weekend when I do not have anything scheduled, they are pulling out their notebooks and looking through it. Great find!



Is there a site that has a sample of this curriculum? I'd be interested in looking at this more closely.



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cbd also has samples. How I am doing this is quite simple. I am giving the dc several atlases, geography resource books, etc. and the workbooks for Around the World. They are digging through and searching, and enjoying the process. It is a giant search and find for them. And, these are the dc who do not like research. They are gaining valuable research and study skills in this program as well as good geography knowledge

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cbd also has samples. How I am doing this is quite simple. I am giving the dc several atlases, geography resource books, etc. and the workbooks for Around the World. They are digging through and searching, and enjoying the process. It is a giant search and find for them. And, these are the dc who do not like research. They are gaining valuable research and study skills in this program as well as good geography knowledge


I'm sure the answer is staring me in the face, but how old are your DC?

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I just checked out the samples at CBD...this looks very interesting. My kiddos are 16, 13, and 10...I'm considering it for another year.


My questions are:


1) how many of the "Resources" (books) are you assigning?? There are textbooks, books of interest, missionaries to read about and other people you may want to read about. It looks like the recommended textbooks are for jr high and high school...but what would I do with my 10 yo? (where do they get the information necessary to complete the assignments?)


2) are the assignments "spelled out" -- which pages to read, etc? I didn't see this on the sample I looked at...



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Of their "required" books, I only have Streams of Civilization and Abeka grade 5 World History. So far, I have not used either. We are using various Atlases and the dictionary. For map work, I have Uncle Josh's outline map on cdrom and print off what we need. For religion, culture, and history, we are using their history texts that I have saved over the years. The computer is sometimes used as well. I prefer books first, but I have used the computer to get a better picture or a more detailed answer. I have Windows on the World (from Sonlight) and find that helpful. What I have found is their book list is not required if you have something similar at home or library. This is not an independent workbook either. The dc do much of it on their own, but I need to guide them and discuss their findings with them. Often that means expanding on what they have found and what more they want to know.

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I just realized I did not answer another question about assigning lessons. We are not doing a specific amount of pages per lesson. I am approaching this very relaxed. I do not care how long it takes us to finish the book. I am not approaching it as a 1 year course to be completed in 180 days. I can tell you that I have had to stop the dc from working on these lessons because they are spending so much time on it. We have other subjects :). They have sat for more than 2 hours and searched maps and books to find answers AND they have enjoyed it and not wanted to stop. This is what amazes me the most.

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This looks like a lovely program. How much religion is in it? I checked out the samples and they're covering missionaries. Is this something we can skip over, or is the whole curriculum steeped in religion? I love the concept.


Ah, I did not realize this. Does it teach about other religions outside Christianity, and is it from a Christian viewpoint?

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Sample of how the program goes:


Africa - list of resources including textbooks and reading books, the reading books are standard literature like The Golden Goblet, Cry the Beloved Country, Pyramids etc. The textbooks are all Christian likes Streams of Civilization, but we never used any of them.


list of missionaries to read about - there is a lot of Christian religion in it and it is obviously written from a Christian perspective but skipping those parts does not change or hurt the program.


other people to read about (Cleopatra, King Tut, Cheops etc)


Identify deserts, mountain ranges, largest, longest, highest stuff


Define geographic terms and other words specific to the continent


Basic geography questions, source of Nile, what is the Great Rift Valley - about a dozen of them including some harder high school level questions


A long list of countries, lakes, mountains, islands, cities, etc. to label on a map


Activity ideas ideas like research why the Sahara is growing and what is being done about it or pretend you are on an African safari and write a letter about what you are seeing


Vocabulary and geography about the history of Africa


Suggestions for further research


Vocabulary and research about African religions. The questions are non-judgmental, just the facts about the religions


Vocabulary and research about the culture


Research about current events.


Every continent is about the same. The unit on Africa takes up 39 pages in the workbook and includes small spaces after the questions to write answers in sentence/small paragraph form.


The teacher's guide is the workbook with the answers filled in and 5 or 6 pages of tips and guidelines for the program.

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We are also adding foods of various countries (makes meal planning interesting), music, and (when possible) arts and crafts. This is a great jumping off point into other areas like art, music, architecture, etc. Discussions like political geography, natural resources and their impact on the history of the region have been some of my favorite teaching times.

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