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Disney's A Christmal Carol

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I have seen movie reviews on this board before, including warnings about scary stuff, but it has never applied to us. We've not found movies like Harry Potter to be scary. But Disney's A Christmas Carol freaked out my dd11! She closed her eyes with the first sign of Marley because it was creepy. She had her eyes closed all during the part of Marley's visit, some of Christmas Past, and all of Christmas Future.


Truly, the animation was astounding and my dd17 and I enjoyed it tremendously, but even we got spooked. My dd17 gasped aloud at one part, throwing her arms up into the air. Unfortunately, she had the bag of popcorn in her hands so popcorn flew up into the air and showered down upon us, startling us again! I was so glad we weren't sitting next to anyone! :lol:


But, my dd11 didn't like it and wished she had not gone to see it. That's sad.

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Hmmm. We are usually able to handle the scary stuff, and so usually take reviews with a grain of salt. I am tempted to wait for this one on DVD though, it sounds like it really is spooky! I am looking forward to it, but it might be best to give the kiddos another year (and a smaller screen) before they attempt it.



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I have seen movie reviews on this board before, including warnings about scary stuff, but it has never applied to us. We've not found movies like Harry Potter to be scary. But Disney's A Christmas Carol freaked out my dd11! She closed her eyes with the first sign of Marley because it was creepy. She had her eyes closed all during the part of Marley's visit, some of Christmas Past, and all of Christmas Future.


Truly, the animation was astounding and my dd17 and I enjoyed it tremendously, but even we got spooked. My dd17 gasped aloud at one part, throwing her arms up into the air. Unfortunately, she had the bag of popcorn in her hands so popcorn flew up into the air and showered down upon us, startling us again! I was so glad we weren't sitting next to anyone! :lol:


But, my dd11 didn't like it and wished she had not gone to see it. That's sad.


I recall seeing the old black & white A Christmas Carol (193_?) and it was spooky to me as a kid. Dickens kinda meant for it to be a bit dark? I like how in the last 40 years, the tale has been made friendly to kids. But I think it was meant to be spooky? Could be wrong... :confused:

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But Disney's A Christmas Carol freaked out my dd11!


Oh my goodness! Thanks! I haven't read any reviews, and probably wouldn't have gone at all, but we have free tickets for next Friday, and I was going to take my nearly-3yr old for his first big screen movie. Guess I will ask a friend to look after him...

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But I think it was meant to be spooky? Could be wrong... :confused:


My son and I read it several months ago and I didn't think of it as disturbing, which is my feeling about this 3D Disney version. It has lots of funny scenes, but there are other scenes that are very 'in your face' (3D obviously). Some of it reminded me of the same suspense in movies like Halloween and Friday the 13th, only without the killing. By that I mean, the scary parts are like walking through a dark, quiet house and having some ugly character jump at you from around a corner. The Marley scene and the Ghost of Christmas Future scene were very tense because we knew that any moment something else was going to jump out at us. It was just a startling graphic presentation. I don't remember Dicken's tale being that bad. :)


I remember people on this board talking about Polar Express being dark and scary because of the animation. My kids had no problems with that movie. There was nothing scary at all. This version of Christmas Carol made The Polar Express seem extremely mild. And it is a made-for-kids movie.


But again, my dd17 and I really liked it. There is a movie review on you tube:

It doesn't show the really startling scenes and the really ugly faces made by the characters, but it does show the 3 ghosts.


Of course we all view things like movies and books through different eyes. I was just posting about it because this is the first movie my youngest daughter, age 11, saw that scared the sillies out of her.

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My 21 year old dd saw it last night and said there is no way she would ever take any child to see it - it was that horrorifying. She did say it followed the story pretty closely but she was sorry she saw it and wondered how it could get a PG rating.


And my kids aren't sheltered, love Harry Potter etc.

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My 21 year old dd saw it last night and said there is no way she would ever take any child to see it - it was that horrorifying. She did say it followed the story pretty closely but she was sorry she saw it and wondered how it could get a PG rating.


And my kids aren't sheltered, love Harry Potter etc.


That's so weird. We just went as a family. There were some scary parts and gross parts ( the hairs on his chin are gross!) But parts of this movie are meant to be scary and my whole family, including DD8, LIKES to be scared a bit, so we liked it just fine. There was one ghost that was VERY scary, I agree. I told DD8 to cover her eyes and she laughed at me. She watched the whole thing. No problem.

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I took my kids and my sister to see this movie last night. My DC are not usually scared of anything and they didn't say that this was "scary", but they said it "freaked them out a little bit". They all said they enjoyed it, though.


I thought it was great, and so did my sister. There were some parts that made me jump, and some of the images were kind of gross. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone with kids that are easily scared. It is kind of a dark movie.


I just asked my kids for their opinion, and they said no one under the age of 8 should see this movie. :D

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That's so weird. We just went as a family. There were some scary parts and gross parts ( the hairs on his chin are gross!) But parts of this movie are meant to be scary and my whole family, including DD8, LIKES to be scared a bit, so we liked it just fine. There was one ghost that was VERY scary, I agree. I told DD8 to cover her eyes and she laughed at me. She watched the whole thing. No problem.


I agree with you. I took my 11 year old dd and niece. They were absolutely fine.


We also saw it in 3D IMAX. I am not sure if that made it even better than 3d or not, but we absolutely loved it. I was actually thinking about going to see it again with my dh (he didn't go with us).

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