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I haven't been feeling well....

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and think my symptoms are really strange. They come and go in waves, sometimes hours apart.


I've had a headache or migraine EVERY day for the past 2 weeks. This morning I awoke fine, now I have a headache. I've had stomach issues off and on, nausea, vomiting one night, and then the most severe issue (out of the other end) that I've ever seen no less experienced in my life on Saturday. Also during that two weeks is am almost constant, nagging (not painful) sore throat that also comes and goes in waves. I've been feeling completely worn out and have accomplished only what I must in the past two weeks, spending lots of time on the couch or in bed. I wish I'd just get sick and then get over it, but instead I feel like it's not REALLY coming out and lingering on forever.


Anyone ever experience something like this?


I'm going to get my eyes checked in two weeks and am hoping I don't need to schedule a dr. appt as my life is too full at the moment. :glare:

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Could there be a carbon monoxide leak in your house??? Please check!


ETA: If you don't have a carbon monoxide detector, call either the fire department or the gas company to come out & check for you. You symptoms could be coming & going as you are in or leave your house, kwim? I had a friend who went through something like this for 2 months -- feeling terrible, not knowing what it was, no specific illness. Turns out she had a small leak. It could have killed her.

Edited by Stacia
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Could there be a carbon monoxide leak in your house??? Please check!


ETA: If you don't have a carbon monoxide detector, call either the fire department or the gas company to come out & check for you. You symptoms could be coming & going as you are in or leave your house, kwim? I had a friend who went through something like this for 2 months -- feeling terrible, not knowing what it was, no specific illness. Turns out she had a small leak. It could have killed her.


I do have health insurance (not an HMO!) but wish I didn't have to go to the dr. I'm finally getting caught up with appts. for me, something I've neglected for a couple of years. I just hate to add another to my plate.


About the carbon monoxide, I doubt it's that for two reasons: 1) I'm the only in my household that's been sick like this (boys had flu for 2 days and are better) and 2) the coming and going waves are in my home.


We had the detectors, I'll have to ask dh where he put them.


Thanks ladies,


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Since your dc had the flu, I wonder if you have it and your body just continues to fight it. I've had times when the kids are sick, and I don't exaclty get sick but struggle for weeks with sore throat, fatigue, body aches, lightheadedness, and that kind of thing. I would see a doctor, but in the meanwhile try to do something to strenghten your immune system. You could try vitamin D3, vitamin C and a probiotic, and rest when you can. :001_smile:


For the stomach, having been there, I would try that probiotic, a bland low-fat diet, easy on raw and high fiber veggies. Benefiber chewables, only one half at first, before meals also helped me. I wound up with a vitamin deficiency when mine went on a long time and I had to really limit my diet, and I wished later that I had had nutritional drinks like Boost or Ensure on a daily basis.


I hope something here help you.:grouphug:

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My guesses would be it's stress related or an allergy/intolerance you have developed to something. I would start with dairy as the first thing likely to cause these symptoms.


ok, now you've REALLY got me. I do realize I've recently become lactose intolerant. I had NO idea the pain could be so intense, and I didn't realize it could produce the symptoms I've described! I didn't research it :o but I became DESPERATELY ill after eating cream of broccoli soup at Panera. Seriously, I forget I have it at times!


I AM going to research this NOW because I'm feeling horrible!



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Since your dc had the flu, I wonder if you have it and your body just continues to fight it. I've had times when the kids are sick, and I don't exaclty get sick but struggle for weeks with sore throat, fatigue, body aches, lightheadedness, and that kind of thing. I would see a doctor, but in the meanwhile try to do something to strenghten your immune system. You could try vitamin D3, vitamin C and a probiotic, and rest when you can. :001_smile:


For the stomach, having been there, I would try that probiotic, a bland low-fat diet, easy on raw and high fiber veggies. Benefiber chewables, only one half at first, before meals also helped me. I wound up with a vitamin deficiency when mine went on a long time and I had to really limit my diet, and I wished later that I had had nutritional drinks like Boost or Ensure on a daily basis.


I hope something here help you.:grouphug:


very intriguing. I'm going to take your advice for the probiotic (have them in the house!) and am already on the C and D3. I haven't been able to tolerate much of anything. I just ate a lunch that will probably having me feel horrible in a few. Carrot/ginger soup, half a bagle, cream cheese. :001_smile:


I think I have a combination of the flu rundown AND lactose intolerance going on, and it's making me feel miserable. The allergy would explain my burning eyes, too. Heart palpitations?

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Poor Denise, I've had heart palpitations before and tend to have a rapid heart rate. :grouphug:


Since I've been taking magnesium, or a calcium supplement with magnesium, I rarely have the irregular beats, but still have that fast beat when I get excited. It upsets my doctors even if the cardilogist says is benign.


BTW, Ddd7 had lactose intolerance that followed a stomach virus and it lasted a long, long time, but eventually went away. The pain was so bad we ended up in the emergency room. One time, before we knew what was happening, we went out to dinner and she had a glass of chocolate milk and had to run straight to the restroom because her body wanted to eject it ASAP.


For weeks and weeks, I ate boiled white meat chicken with rice or bread, alternating with hard-boiled eggs or a piece of cheese. The cheese was probably not a good idea, but I didn't know better and was merely thinking of survival.

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