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Neck pain/Meningitis?

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We all had a cold, and yesterday was the first day that we felt better at all. This morning, Ds woke up with neck pain, and pain right in the middle /back of his skull.


I gave him an ibuprofen and told him to put the rice sock on his neck. It sounds more like he just slept on it wrong than some kind of complication from our illness.


Doesn't it?

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The only case of meningitis I've ever seen first hand (actually diagnosed it as a lay person, funnily enough) had a high fever that had been going on for over a week, extreme lethargy and confusion, muscle weakness, and an inability to put chin to chest.


If you're concerned, bring him to the doc.




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Can he touch his chin to his chest w/o unbearable pain?

If he lays on his back, can he bring his knees up to his chest (curl up in what is known as the 'fetal' position)?


I make my kids do these things whenever they wake up with a stiff neck and/or headache. If they can do them, I rest easy and figure it is just sleeping position or stiffness from a cold, etc. It is at the point now that they will spontaneously show me that they can perform these acts w/o pain if they have any complaint of neck or head pain. They also automatically tilt their chin to chest after I take their temp if I state "s/he has a fever".


(why yes, I am paranoid, why do you ask? :tongue_smilie:)



ETA: even in absence of these symptoms, trust your mommy's intuition. If you think he needs to be checked by a professional, call your doc.

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Can he touch his chin to his chest w/o unbearable pain?

If he lays on his back, can he bring his knees up to his chest (curl up in what is known as the 'fetal' position)?


I make my kids do these things whenever they wake up with a stiff neck and/or headache. If they can do them, I rest easy and figure it is just sleeping position or stiffness from a cold, etc. It is at the point now that they will spontaneously show me that they can perform these acts w/o pain if they have any complaint of neck or head pain. They also automatically tilt their chin to chest after I take their temp if I state "s/he has a fever".


(why yes, I am paranoid, why do you ask? :tongue_smilie:)


This sounds like ME! LOL Do you have a bit of OCD? :tongue_smilie:

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When my oldest was in Kindergarten, her best friend had been sick, but they decided to have her birthday party anyway. She looked HORRIBLE.


At one point, she looked at me, and said, "I feel like I'm going to die." That night, she was admitted to the hospital with bacterial meningitis.


My son does not seem sick anymore at all, except for his neck. I just suddenly got scared that I was being irresponsible by just assuming he wad slept on it funny.

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When I had meningitis, my headache was so bad I didn't care if I lived or died. It took 24 hours to build up to this level; my meningitis did not just involve neck pain, but an UNRELENTING headache. I did not develop a fever until 24 hours after I went to the ER and was sent home with "migraines". The next day they did the spinal tap b/c of my fever. I've experienced a lot of neck pain with a cold, but it came nothing close to the pain I had with meningitis (viral).


I could write more, but I've gotta run. I'll check in later to see if you have any questions.


It sounds like it is probably just neck pain from sleeping wrong and possibly swollen glands from fighting the cold. Do call a Dr. if the pain worsens, headache gets really bad, or fever spikes.


Hope all is well.


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I might call our doctor in a minute, but I know she will have to tell me to bring him in just to be sure.


I ordinarily would just take him to be safe, but I'm trying to weigh the risk of staying home versus taking him out around a bunch of sick people when his immune system is already down, in addition to exposing my own, 9 month pregnant self to a bunch of extra germs.


He says the ibuprofen and heat are helping, so we will stay home unless it gets worse, or he starts running a fever.


What would I do without the Hive's immediate help and wisdom when crisis strikes?

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