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Can someone talk me into--or out of--buying a Wii? Help me decide!!!

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I'm so on the fence here. My DH wants one. He's a gadget guy, and I know he feels deprived by the simple fact that we don't have one (we also don't have a flat-screen TV, a DVD collection, or several other things he sort of wants, knows he can live without, but feels deprived without them anyway). However, he really doesn't play video games. We had a PS2 when it was the hot new thing, and he hardly ever touched it.


The kids would like one, but they don't really have a concept of what it would be to have something like that. They think it's fun to play at our friends' houses, but it hasn't crossed their minds to ask for one here. We don't have DSs or GameBoys or Leapsters or anything like that, and again, they don't have a concept of it, really. But they WOULD enjoy it, I know that much.


My mom thinks a Wii would be good for getting the kids active. We're not a very active family, but that's partly due to my having to work (and partly due to the fact that I'm not very active anyway). I think it's sort of true that they might be more active, but...I don't know. It bothers me that we're to the point where I want to rely on a video game to get my kids active, I guess. I'd rather save the money and quit my job sooner and get the kids actually outside more! It would also just be another screen time issue too, and we watch and/or fight about watching enough TV as it is *sigh*


I also feel like it would turn into a money pit, with all the accessories and games and extras. DH would want Rock Band and the Fit and all the things that go with them, and the kids will want the games they play at their friends' houses, and here I am trying to turn the heat down and use less water to pinch pennies.


And yet...it would make them all so happy to have this thing everyone else has. Am I an ogre for not buying it for them? Should I just suck it up and do it? Or can we live without a Wii? I would love to hear any input you have.



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Well...just my experience...

We bought the Wii for a Christmas gift last year because we didn't know what else to get for our dc. We bought Wii Fit and Dance Dance Revolution to ease my mind about video games (I figured if it got them moving - not a very active fam here, either - it was justifiable). So far, it has been a good tool; I take away priveges if they get "grounded" because they like it a lot. It works quite nicely. Don't know how that would work with your dh, though...;)

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We've had a Wii for a few years. It falls in and out of favor but I'd say it's been worth it, and also worth replacing it when the first one broke.

Games are pretty reasonable when purchased used, as long as you don't mind not having the newest thing. Rock Band/Guitar Hero is hugely expensive. New guitar peripherals are around $100, but I found mine for something like $40 used.

You'll probably find it gets more use than a PS2 by your kids. Wii games are just more fun and engaging. Sometimes they feel more like activities than video games.

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We love our Wii. We only purchase games for it that require moving (i.e. Wii Fit)


Ditto that. We all love the wii fit, and dd and I have a game called "My Fitness Coach" that is a far better workout. I'm also anxious to see a new one coming out in January (Walk it Out.) We Ski is a blast!


So my vote is: Get the Wii, just don't get any of the "sit-on-your-behind" games.



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We love our Wii. We got it for the boys (and us) 2 years ago this coming Christmas. We tend to only play it once a week (we limit video games, even ones that could count as P.E. or music theory ;) ), but have a great time when we use it. We went ahead and bought extra remotes to have 4, and an extra nunchuck (sp?) so we have 2 of those. We've slowly built up a collection of about 10 games, but the ones that are played all the time are: Wii Sport (the one that came with the game; ours got horribly scratched and I had to buy a used one for a replacement), Wii Resort, Wii Fit, Wii Fit Plus (a new add-on game for Wii Fit that was less than $20 at Costco with tons of fun new balance type games), and two Lego movie games: Lego Star Wars and Lego Indiana Jones. Nine out of ten times, Wii Resort or Fit Plus are being played by any of us. Once in a while, dh and I put on Guitar Hero and play together.

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Mom is way better than a Wii any day. If grandma likes it so much, she can buy it for them. That's how we got ours. I love my Wii but having mom home is priceless. If skipping Wii gets you home a little sooner then you don't need a Wii.


:grouphug: Thanks. Everything is weighed in those terms these days: "If I buy this, I have to work xyz hours longer to pay for it." I'm still struggling with a lot guilt over it, though.

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