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Need Chemistry help!

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of chemistry. We use Apologia Chemistry, which is considered to be rigorous by some and not-so-rigorous by others. For my oldest, though, it is plenty rigorous, and she has to work very hard in order to understand the concepts. The actual math is not that difficult---mostly Algebra I----but the concepts and setting up the problems can be very difficult for her.


We're using The Teaching Company's Chemistry DVD's to supplement, and they have helped her somewhat. It's one of their high school level courses, taught by Frank Cardulla (retired) of Niles North High School. I think it's only available on DVD. You might look into those as a supplement and see if they'll help.


You may also consider a tutor. Chemistry is getting into that more difficult science, and you may need a tutor to help you out. Do you have a local community college nearby? You might call their science department and see if they have a talented chemistry student who might be able to help you.


I hope this helps! Best wishes and blessings! :)

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In what area are you struggling?


If it is the math, then I strongly recommend Beginnings Publishing's Bridge Math as it really helps with setting up problems, conversions, handling precision etc. that often trip up students.


I had my dd use it before beginning Chemistry and she tells me it was really helpful.



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If the Chemistry is anything like the 7th grade LifePac science my dd used in her private school...no wonder you're having problems! I found it to be full of holes and very frustrating.


I'd switch curriculums. You've probably gotten enough information to be able to work quickly through something else. Apologia is meant to be self-teaching.

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I'm doing a chemistry unit with my 8th grader. IMO, it's pretty advanced: it covers s,p, & d electron orbitals, pauli & aufbau principle, balancing equations and more. I remembered NONE of this from college even. She needed my help, so I had to relearn it. I'm using her text along with Chemistry Made Simple by John Moore (found this at Books a Million). I read the material that she's supposed to cover from both books the weekend before she actually covers it. I have to read it and work it out in mind until I understand it.


I'd also consider a tutor.


I wouldn't give up on it for sure, both my brothers who were public schooled had to give up majors they wanted in college because they didn't understand chemistry well enough. You never know what your children will go into.

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