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It has been one of those days...

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or weeks, really. I am tired of the whiny attitude. Dd 8 is up in her room screaming. Really. Not the high pitched horror film scream, but more like a gutteral, "uuuggghhhh!"


I want to have a tantrum, too. I.am.tired.


Dh has been away for the past year and I suppose that is part of the problem, for the girls and for me. I love schooling the girls at home. Love that we have flexibility to travel when we'd like to. Love seeing their relationship with each other blossom.


This has just been a cruddy week. Part of me wants to call school off tomorrow to just chill and part of me doesn't want to give in. Please, tell me I'm not alone.


Ok, my tantrum is over. Thanks for listening. :)

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When it's bad at our house, I up the amount of snuggle time we have. That starts to ease tensions. In fact, when I most want to lose my cool and tell the kids how unreasonable or disrespectful or ungrateful they're being, that's when I gather them to me and just give them hugs.


If you want to do school tomorrow just so that the kids don't think they're calling the shots and if they're annoying enough, they get their way, then just do the 3r's tomorrow. Reading, writing and math. The essentials are being done, but the extras can wait.


Is it possible to do the 3 Rs and then go on some sort of educational field trip? Museum? Science Center? Zoo? Aquarium? Factory? Nature walk?


Maybe everyone needs a change of scenery, but something that is educational.

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When it's bad at our house, I up the amount of snuggle time we have.


If you want to do school just so that the kids don't think they're calling the shots and if they're annoying enough, they get their way, then just do the 3r's tomorrow. Reading, writing and math. The essentials are being done, but the extras can wait.


Is it possible to do the 3 Rs and then go on some sort of educational field trip? Museum? Science Center? Zoo? Aquarium? Factory? Nature walk?


Maybe everyone needs a change of scenery, but something that is educational.


THANK YOU FOR THIS! My girls are at it again...and I'm about to blow, but I don't WANT to.

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At least you had your tantrum here. I yelled at my ds9 today because I was sick of his whining over every little word I have him write. It doesn't help that I'm totally stressed and just couldn't take it this morning. So, I apologized, did a fun science project and am moving on.


Oh, and I AM calling off school tomorrow. I. am. done. Stick a fork in me. :o

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I fully advise you to go have a tantrum. Sometimes I need to yell and throw a book or two to let off steam.


Then, gather the crew, a book, a blanket, and snuggle up and read. Or watch a movie

or go on a field trip

or bake something

or go get ice cream


Hugs. We ALL have those days and weeks.

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