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One week ago today we learned of my dh's impending unemployment.

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The first days were rough as I wrestled with what are we going to do. Then there were a few days of roller coaster rides . . . from excitement at all the possibilities to doom and gloom at all the impossibilities.


Now we're settling into some reality. We still have no plan, other than to cut back on expenses now and stock pile some supplies. We own our home here and think we should try and make a go of it here although the economic conditions in our town are dismal.


We're talking about all the options . . . finding other work, starting our own business (we never thought about that).


Most of all we're trusting and listening for God's leading.

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:grouphug: I admire your strength and hopefulness, Rose. Good for you! I will keep you in good thought during this time of change. Will you do the same for us?


My dh will probably lose his position next year or be forced to relocate without the rest of us. The prospects are gloomy, but I'm trying to be chipper.


Wishing you the best as you start this new challenge.

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Your week sounds like our first week after dh's layoff! Congratulations on keeping going! How big is your town, Rose?


Our population now is around 8500. 563 people are loosing their jobs directly which some estimate will result in another 1500 indirect losses. I was born here and when I was young our population was over 13 000. We are at the end of the road.


My dh works until Feb. 17 so we did get a wee bit of notice. He's been there 21 years.


Oh did I mention we like to live here. Moving would not be our first choice but whatever is necessary, we'll do.

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:grouphug: I admire your strength and hopefulness, Rose. Good for you! I will keep you in good thought during this time of change. Will you do the same for us?


My dh will probably lose his position next year or be forced to relocate without the rest of us. The prospects are gloomy, but I'm trying to be chipper.


Wishing you the best as you start this new challenge.


Today I feel strong, tomorrow maybe not so much. That's how it seems to go. At first I wondered how we could go on with our normal life but, of course, as time goes on, you realize that you have to given that we have three kids to feed, educate and show them how to behave in tough times (that's not always so easy).


I will keep you in our prayers and thoughts.


The one thing I quickly realized is how much money we spend frivolously. I don't know why we needed this situation to point that out. I know many, many people have walked our path and much worse. I also know that through adversity growth happens (even when you don't really want or think you need growth :))


I am encouraging my dh and saying that this can be an opportunity for us (although some days it's an opportunity I don't want). I hope I can be strong for him. Yesterday he was out getting job applications. He came home and said how weird it was to be job hunting since he has worked at this place since he was 26! (he's 47).


It's a journey . . . but I know we're not doing it alone.

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You're attitude is a real inspiration. We're entering week 4 of my dh's unemployment and the blues really hit me hard. I was really optimistic until yesterday. You've lit a fire for me to get back to that good frame of mind. I'm praying for you and your family!


Okay this brought tears to my eyes. I am glad I'm being an inspiration today for you. I am sure I will have blue days too. It is very scary for me. I am a control freak and this is not fitting my check list. :) Praying for you. :grouphug:

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This sounds a lot like what my family is going through. Times are tough for a lot of families right now. I wish you luck though!


It is so interesting how many people are in this situation. You know I honestly never thought we'd be in here. The community I live in was built in the early '50's as an industrial town. My parents came here in '54 at the very start of this town. My mom was telling me how much hope there was. They had immigrated from Germany. Crossed the Atlantic (two weeks on a ship in rough waters) with two young children. Didn't speak a word of English. Moved to, what my mom said felt like the end of the world, where this new community was being developed. New town being carved out of the wilderness. When I think of them I think that took a lot of courage . . . courage that I need to muster up now as we begin our new adventure. Honestly though, right now I'd rather have my trusty old life.

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