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any tips on making the SOTW sugar cube pyramid?


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We are going to make this on Friday and I wanted to see if anyone had any tips on making it? I remember hearing some used SOMETHING (I dont remember what) and the cubes kind of melted, I dont want that to happen! =) I thought I heard somewhere that frosting would work? Or is glue better?

Any help??


Thanks =)

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We just used white glue and it worked just fine. :) Oh, and I bought cubed brown sugar so it would be closer to the correct color without having to paint. It was an easy project, but my dc didn't like it as much as I'd hoped they would. At the same time as doing this, I used cardboard to make a pyramid (using the paper folding techniques in Dinah Zike's book) and painted the pyramid with brown paint that had find sand mixed into it. The kids had much more fun doing this and the result was a lot nicer. I even added a base and cut a slot in one of the sides and the kids still use this as a piggy bank, 2 years later. :) Not sure if this helps you any, but thought I'd mention it.


Have fun with the pyramid!! I remember having to keep a careful eye on my kids to make sure they were building with the sugar cubes and not sneaking one into their mouths every few minutes. ;)

Edited by plain jane
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I haven't made the pyramid, but my family used to build a sugar cube house every Christmas when I was growing up (my mom didn't like gingerbread; she let us pick all the candy off and then melted the house down and made it into pancake syrup).


Regular frosting would probably leech moisture into the sugar cubes and cause them to break down (I haven't used it, I'm just guessing based on what I know about frosting and sugar cubes.) We always used Royal Icing, which is the kind that gets really, really hard when it dries. I don't have the recipe handy, but if you can't find a royal icing recipe online let me know and I'll look it up for you, if you want. They're usually made with egg whites (or meringue powder), powdered sugar, and lemon juice. Sometimes a little cream of tartar or something too.


Good luck!

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We used regular butter frosting, and it worked fine. Glue would have been a problem for us, as we ate the sugar cubes afterwards! We used the same frosting to cover over the steps of the pyramid, remembering that they would have been encased in smooth limestone when they were built.


Then we made a Nile River cake: make/buy a rectangular cake. Ice it in a sandy colour. Gouge out the Nile River and Delta. Position your sugar cube pyramid on the cake. (Forget about relative size for a moment!) Make a runny blue frosting (just icing sugar and water). Flood the Nile by pouring the frosting into the gouged out river until it overflows a little.


Visually effective, good messy fun, and yummy.

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