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Family Movies?

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Have you seen this? We have this and let me tell you it's so great! There were so many times that we would start to watch a movie and have to turn it off because of some language or that one scene (you know the ones I mean). This takes care of that by filtering out those things. You can set the filters how you want or you can play a movie without the filters. It's been a blessing for our family as it seems as though there's always something!

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As far as suggestions for titles go:


"Chitty, Chitty Bang Bang"

"Road to Avonlea" series (by Sullivan Entertainment who did Anne of Green Gables)

"Wind at my Back" (Sullivan Entertainment)

"Mary Poppins"

"The Waltons"

"Cheaper by the Dozen" (We like the old version with Myrna Loy)

"Belles on their Toes" (Sequence to Chaper by the Dozen)


This all I can think of right now.

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