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South America food,crafts,games

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Does anyone have any easy suggestions for food/crafts/games from South America? I am teaching a co-op class Monday and having a hard time finding things that I can use. I have 2 classes ranging from K through middle school.


The younger class does have a child with a lot of allergies, but the mom has said she'll bring something if he can't have what I find. He has dairy, soy, corn, peanuts, beef, rice, eggs, and apples I know.


If anybody has suggestions, I would be so grateful. The things I'm finding are so expensive, complicated to make, or I don't know how to get the ingredients.


Thanks so much!

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Some ideas from our co-op this fall:


Guacamole. I gave each student a quarter of an avocado, let them peel it and mush it up in a bowl, and add onion, tomatoes, and hot sauce to their liking. Eat with tortilla chips.


Kites are quite popular in Chile. If it's a nice day, they can test them outside after they make them. You can find a lot of nice easy patterns online if you need one.


Brazil has Carnival. We made carnival masks using black eye masks from Hobby Lobby. Ours were birds, so I cut out a triangle of craft foam and glued it on the masks for beaks, then let them glue on feathers and tissue paper squares.


There are a lot of good folk stories from South America. Check your library.


We counted from 1-10 in Spanish and Portuguese.


Hope that gives you a starting point.

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