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word problems-- help!


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DS (12) cannot figure out which operation to use when tackling word problems. My MUS rep suggested trying Critical Thinking Press's story problem books- to no avail as they were even MORE confusing to him(and me!) Any ideas?


Edited by motherdear
wrong word
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Do you mean Math Detective? I did find those helpful with word problems as they walk you through sentence by sentence telling you what to look for and asking for evidence as to what sentence gave you the info.


Another thing I did with them with early word problems, when it was mostly about which operation to use, was to focus on if they had two parts and were looking for a whole, or if they had a whole and one part - this will tell you whether to add/multiply or subtract/divide. To differentiate further between those, for example if it was subtract/divide - are you taking one thing away from the other, or making equal parts?

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