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If you use Saxon Math 87, do you go right to Algebra 1 after that?


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I noticed on the Saxon site that 87 contains pre-algebra.

If you have used Saxon, did you still have your dc take pre-algebra after 87? Does 87 have just a little intro to pre-algebra, or is it a full pre-alg. course?


This is my first year with Saxon -- my 5th grade ds is doing 65 right now. I'm okay with it and he's sort of okay with it (better than last year anyway!), and if we don't run into any problems down the road, we may stick with Saxon through 87. We are not a math-bright family, just sort of average. No one here has flown through math, it's more like plodding. My ds doesn't really enjoy it, but he does pretty well.


What have you Saxon users done for a progression through the middle grades and into algebra? I'm particularly interested in what level your dc were at by the time they finished 87. Were they ready for algebra 1, or did they take pre-algebra after 87?



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I used Saxon with my older children. Back then we skipped 8/7 and went to Algebra 1/2. They have since upgraded 8/7 ( I guess ), and are now suggesting skipping Algebra 1/2 unless your child needs more practice before moving on. I had one child do both books, the other 3 skipped 8/7 and went to Algebra. So I think the choice is yours, depending on how well your child handles it.


It hase been a few years since we did any of them. I am sure others will have more current opinions.

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With the current edition you would go from 8/7 straight to Algebra if your ds has at least 80% mastery on the tests. If not, he should go to Algebra 1/2 before moving to Algebra. My oldest ds did 8/7 last year as a 6th grader and is now doing Algebra as a 7th grader. I have two 5th graders who are currently doing 7/6 and will move to 8/7 next year.

Edited by dani3boys
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I don't know if Jann knows how many of her messages I save.:)


Here's an excerpt:

“Pre-Algebra” is a relatively new course. In the early 1980’s it was known as “General Math” and was the last math class a student needed to graduate in most states…so traditionally it covered consumer math.


Today most pre-algebra courses will provide one last “review” of fractions, decimals, and percents (usually presented along with consumer math for application). Very little “algebra” is taught…but some terms are introduced so the students will be familiar with the basics of some concepts when they begin algebra 1.


Pre-algebra is not a prerequisite for Algebra 1. It DOES fill in any gaps and gives the students another year to mature mathematically. There is a BIG difference in computation skills and Algebraic thinking.


Algebra follows the logic of computation. Some young students have a hard time relating the two. The ability to easily use fractions is essential (one reason is that division is almost exclusively worked in fractional form in algebra and above).


FTR, if you are using current editions of Saxon, the recommendation is to go from Math 87 to Alg. 1. That is, the sequence would be Math 76, then either Math 87 (if your dc achieved at least 80%) or Alg. ½ if he did not, followed by Alg. 1. With earlier editions, the Math 87/Alg. ½ recommendations were the opposite.


ETA: Doggonit, I've tried to fix the quotes above and they're still coming out weird. Y'all just gotta deal with it!

Edited by Ellie
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We did Saxon 8/7 last year. I was trying to decide whether to use Algebra 1/2 or Algebra 1. I spoke to a person at Rainbow Resources who recommended Algebra 1/2 since I described my dd as a reluctant mathematician. When I got Algebra 1/2, I found it offered nothing new. So I called RR back, and the second person told me that if your student completed 80+ lessons in Saxon 8/7, to go directly to Algebra 1. So I got Algebra 1, and we are now at lesson 70. It is going well. You might want to call or email the people at Saxon.

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Okay, that is excellent information, everyone. Just super. Thanks so very much. I knew this was the right place to ask this question!


I am using the newest edition, so it'll be 87 to Alg. 1 if 80% or better in 87.

I'll be on the lookout when the time comes (not too soon since we're only in 65).


Thanks a bunch!!!! :grouphug:

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Okay, that is excellent information, everyone. Just super. Thanks so very much. I knew this was the right place to ask this question!


I am using the newest edition, so it'll be 87 to Alg. 1 if 80% or better in 87.

I'll be on the lookout when the time comes (not too soon since we're only in 65).


Thanks a bunch!!!! :grouphug:

FYI, most dc do not do both Math 87 and Alg. 1/2. The choice is either Math 76/Math 87/Alg. 1 or Math 76/Alg. 1/2/Alg. 1. Generally, Saxon's recommendation is if a child is struggling through one of the texts, when he's about halfway through he should go back to the beginning and start over.

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FYI, most dc do not do both Math 87 and Alg. 1/2. The choice is either Math 76/Math 87/Alg. 1 or Math 76/Alg. 1/2/Alg. 1. Generally, Saxon's recommendation is if a child is struggling through one of the texts, when he's about halfway through he should go back to the beginning and start over.


Okay, so I'll figure which of those progressions will be most appropriate when we get to that point. We will do 76 next year, and after that I'll figure which of either 87 or Alg. 1/2 will be most appropriate.

Thanks so much!

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