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Taking Temperature of a Tongue Tied 5yo?

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Okay, we have flu in the house. My oldest (dd almost 11) had it first and is getting better. But my boys (ds9 and ds5) are just starting. My problem is with my younger son. He is five and is tongue tied. He can not stick his tongue out or up. It isn't normally a problem, but he can't keep a thermometer under his tongue for anything. I am certain he has a fever but I can't determine how HIGH?


Is it important for me to know the number? And if it is important, how do I do it? I can put the thermometer under his arm. But is that accurate? Or do I just give him the tylenol and not worry about the exact number?

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If it is the flu I would want to know the number. I prefer an ear thermometer because I can check temps while the kids are sleeping if they are in the middle of a fever spike, which happens a lot with this flu.


We had to take ds3 to the doc today for secondary infections in the chest and ear after having had the flu for a week. Keeping up with his temp over the past week was one way we were able to tell to get him to the urgent care clinic today when his temp went up again after having been down for a while.

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Okay, we have flu in the house. My oldest (dd almost 11) had it first and is getting better. But my boys (ds9 and ds5) are just starting. My problem is with my younger son. He is five and is tongue tied. He can not stick his tongue out or up. It isn't normally a problem, but he can't keep a thermometer under his tongue for anything. I am certain he has a fever but I can't determine how HIGH?


Is it important for me to know the number? And if it is important, how do I do it? I can put the thermometer under his arm. But is that accurate? Or do I just give him the tylenol and not worry about the exact number?


You can go under the arm, but add 1-2 degrees. Glass thermometers need to be held under the arm for a long time. Be sure that it has stopped climbing before you record the final temperature. Digital is just as usual.


You can also take a rectal temp, but DON'T use a glass thermometer for this!


How to take an axillary temperature

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Yes, take it under his arm. We have been told to add a degree under the arm. Temps are different on different thermometers, so the exact number is not as important as knowing that it is around 99 vs. around 105 KWIM. Either way we give motrin when the kids are uncomfortable not when their temp is such and such.


Hope he feels better soon. Being sick is so miserable.

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Thank you. His underarm temp is 100.1. That means his actual temp is somewhere around 101-102. I will give him some tylenol before he goes to bed. Hopefully that will help him feel better and keep the fever under control too.


I am almost 100% certain this is the flu. Dd (almost 11) had the exact symptom list. Cough, exhaustion, fever. Her temp got to 104.7 when the tylenol wore off. We got it to 101 most of the time.


We haven't done anything about the tongue tied -ness because it didn't interfere with his speech and his dentist said it wasn't a problem. When it becomes an issue for more than taking his temperature, we will deal.


Thank you for all your help!

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Thank you. His underarm temp is 100.1. That means his actual temp is somewhere around 101-102. I will give him some tylenol before he goes to bed. Hopefully that will help him feel better and keep the fever under control too.


I am almost 100% certain this is the flu. Dd (almost 11) had the exact symptom list. Cough, exhaustion, fever. Her temp got to 104.7 when the tylenol wore off. We got it to 101 most of the time.


We haven't done anything about the tongue tied -ness because it didn't interfere with his speech and his dentist said it wasn't a problem. When it becomes an issue for more than taking his temperature, we will deal.


Thank you for all your help!



Romy is also tongue-tied. It's never been an issue. She nursed fine and all of that, and seems to be talking well. I've always used the ear thermometer, so I've never tried to take and oral temp, don't know if it would matter.

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