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Toys for Gross Motor Development

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My sister has a foster baby whose chronological age is 15 months. His developmental age is 10 months or so. She needs suggestions for toys that encourage gross motor development to put on a Christmas Wish List for DCFS for him. If anyone has suggestions of toys they've had good experiences with, I'd love them. Thanks so much!

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What are the child's current abilities?


Most of the gross motor exercises I did with my children came after they could walk. We did beam walking (2x4) laying on the ground, hop-scotch, stilts (margarine tubs with rope handles that the child can hold standing upright) and jump-rope.


If the child can't walk you could try crawling races, the cross body style of crawling is very important for brain development.


I come from a family of not very graceful people (none of us should be allowed to dance in public :lol:). So I did a lot of body movement work with my girls. We marched to sueza (sp?) music, danced with scarves, played hours of 'hot lava' and tons of rythmn (sp? again) music with blocks, drums and triangles.


Hope this helps

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Thank you Denise.


He doesn't walk or crawl (belly or hands and knees). I believe he can roll front to back and vice versa. Also, he has poor vision. I've been looking at some occupational therapy toys, but I was sure someone here would have experience that could point us in the right direction.

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Is he in physical therapy? Because I imagine the therapist could recommend some things.

We did a lot of ball work (larger exercise ball or for more $$ a large therapy ball) in physical therapy with my son.

They did recommend a bumbo seat for him too as it helped strengthen the upper torso muscles but that might not be an issue for him.

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One more suggestion :001_smile:.


I remember a long time ago a friend of my mom's had a baby that would'nt even try to crawl, she told me about them lying the baby on its stomach across on a largish ball and gently rocking the baby back and forth for stimulation. This was a looooong time ago (at least 30 years) I have no idea if modern therapists would approve or not, but you might be able to look into therapy balls.

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She might contact lighthouse for the blind..they also help with low vision as well as blindness & would have good suggestions.


Toys that make sounds to encourage the baby to move and toys that are texturally interesting come to my mind - perhaps a chime ball or




51fTWDp-8ZL._SL500_AA280_.jpg this multisensory soft sorter from Lamaze which also includes smell and sound wil be helpful. (too young to sort, but the


51JrCr3lWkL._AA280_.jpg or 51k85%2BxVbFL._SL500_AA280_.jpg (Infantino )





51NJ3M2DARL._SL160_AA160_.jpg for when he starts pulling up

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DD3 had OT when she was 8 mos to 2 years. If he can't crawl she can put a blanket around his middle and kind of use it to lift his belly off the ground, he can use his hands and knees to propel himself around a bit.


If he is sitting up, seat him on an exercise ball and hold his bum on the ball, then move it front to back and side to side, as he tries to balance he will be strengthening his core. Laying him on his tummy on the ball like others suggested and rocking him back and forward is also a good activity. Also great would be: an inflatable pool filled with those little plastic balls, taking him swimming; and lots and lots of swinging.


She could also fill various plastic containers with water (water bottles, juice bottles, etc.) and let him push/pull them around. Food coloring in the water would make them prettier. :) Maybe a basket full of water bottles that he could take out and put back in. Fabric bags full of beans or rice would work well too; anything with a little heft to it that wouldn't be likely to injure him. Also squishy-type balls that he can squeeze, smoosh....


If he likes being tickled/squished/wrestled with a bit this kind of play is good too. She could bury him with some heavy blankets/pillows (not on his face of course :D) and he could work to kick or push them off. Put big socks on his hands/feet and let him work to get them off. Things like that.


Edit: Sorry, just re-read and realized that you were looking for toy ideas specifically rather than activities....I guess my toy ideas then would be an inflatable ball pit, an exercise ball, some bean bags, a pool pass, etc. Some gymnastics studios/gyms offer developmental classes for babies, paying for a month of classes would be a good gift too.

Edited by lovelearnandlive
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Don't get him any walking toys until he has been crawling well for at least 2 months. You wouldn't want him to skip the crawling phase. Also, if you put something in front of him that he wants, will he move towards it? That would work towards him crawling. Don't get him a walker. That circumvents some important stages such as crawling.

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