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Omnibus users, what else do you do for history?

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If you are using Omnibus in High School, what else do you do for History?

I have been using TOG. My son is a history buff, who is thinking of majoring in history. The selections in Omnibus appear to be better from a historical literature viewpoint. Does anyone do both? If so how?

Do you use another history program? If so, what?

He will be starting 9th in the fall.




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I have used parts of Omnibus with all of my dc. I add a more traditional textbook program for history and social studies.


World History: A Human Odyssey (Spielvogel)


A History of the United States (Boorstin)


ABeka Geography


American Government (Great Source)


Economics (Bob Jones)


And for World Views, Ethics, and Philosophy:

The Consequences of Ideas DVDs (R.C. Sproul)

Ethics (Christian Schools International)

The Universe Next Door (Sire)

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We used Omni 1 and 2, supplementing with Spielvogel's Western Civ and Barron's World History the Easy Way.

At first, we used just the snippets of Western Civ that were laid out at the end of Omni's essay sections. But it wasn't enough for us, so we did whole pieces of Spielvogel.


If I had to do it again, I think I would use the same as I did, but teach ds to outline the history chapter, or at least use the study guides that Wadsworth has to go along with West. Civ.

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We used Omni 1 and 2, supplementing with Spielvogel's Western Civ and Barron's World History the Easy Way.

At first, we used just the snippets of Western Civ that were laid out at the end of Omni's essay sections. But it wasn't enough for us, so we did whole pieces of Spielvogel.


If I had to do it again, I think I would use the same as I did, but teach ds to outline the history chapter, or at least use the study guides that Wadsworth has to go along with West. Civ.


where do you find published study guide for Western Civilization? We used Human Odyssey last year and this year because it was an easier text for my 7th-8th grader (my middle daughter) and also because it had printed study guides. With our Western Civ. text, which we still have, I couldn't find a published study guide. If you have one, could you post the ISBN's? Thank you!

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We're currently finishing up Omnibus II with a 10th and 9th grader. The readings are wonderful primary sources but to connect the dots I have used both the Spielvogel readings recommended in the text and Gileskirk (http://www.gileskirk.com).


So far we have used Antiquity w/Omnibus I; Christendom w/Omnibus II and plan to use American next year.



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We're currently finishing up Omnibus II with a 10th and 9th grader. The readings are wonderful primary sources but to connect the dots I have used both the Spielvogel readings recommended in the text and Gileskirk (www.gileskirk.com).


So far we have used Antiquity w/Omnibus I; Christendom w/Omnibus II and plan to use American next year.






I've toyed with this idea as well. I really like anything George Grant does. My big--and only--concern is that it's pretty pricey!!! Any comments? Can I find these used? Should I just suck it up and pay it? Convince me?


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Yes, it seems expensive, but not really if you compare it to online course prices. And, imho it is worth it. Dr G. is a respected voice in our house who is often mentioned at the dinner table and my dd will often describe some of his antics to her high school friends who wish they had teachers like him.


High school level courses just cost more.


Could you get others to join you? If you use it in a co-op situation, you need just one copy of the DVD and everyone pays a smaller licensing fee. Hasn't worked for me, either because of timing or distance so I just bite the bullet and pay the $.

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Yes, it seems expensive, but not really if you compare it to online course prices. And, imho it is worth it. Dr G. is a respected voice in our house who is often mentioned at the dinner table and my dd will often describe some of his antics to her high school friends who wish they had teachers like him.


High school level courses just cost more.


Could you get others to join you? If you use it in a co-op situation, you need just one copy of the DVD and everyone pays a smaller licensing fee. Hasn't worked for me, either because of timing or distance so I just bite the bullet and pay the $.


Thanks, Moira. That may be doable. I have always enjoyed listening to Dr. Grant and I can't think of a better instructor to have my children learn from. The more I think about it, the more I think it's worth the cost.


Do you have any suggestions about combining Gileskirk and Omnibus? I was thinking of Gileskirk to beef up the history and Omnibus for the lit and Bible suggestions. I want to be sure that I don't overload, which will be my temptation.


Which program do you lead with and which one is the supplement? How many books are you covering in the typical school year. Thanks so much for any advice.

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We take all our literature selections from Omnibus, although the Gileskirk ones are sometimes picked up for free reading. Those selections are excellent by the way, if I were more confident in literary analysis I'd be tempted to use just Gileskirk.


My eldest does the history readings from Gileskirk but my younger dd covers the equivalent material in a simpler text -- she is 8th grade not 9th as originally posted. Next year will be different especially as Americana is considered a good introduction to Dr. G's style.


We do the opportunities, mid-terms and finals; and projects from Gileskirk. The latter are really good for going deeper which Omnibus doesn't really have. I also picked up the journalling from Gileskirk but apply it to our Omnibus readings.


From Omnibus we do almost all the readings -- we're just skipping Winning His Spurs this year -- we do most of the writing assigments, discussions and recitations as well as some of the activities. I seldom have them do the written evaluations but do assign the mid-terms and finals.



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Guest Chemnitz

Study Guides are available for Spielvogel's Western Civ. The person who authored them is James T. Baker. If you go to Addall.com and search authors you will see the study guides listed under the search results. They are worth the search as they provide all sorts of helps for testing retention, paper ideas, short essay ?'s and the like. Also see the companion site as another post mentioned. It is at http://tinyurl.com/2l7rjs


Would any of you who have used History Odyssey please post the ISBNs for the Study Guides for that book? I have been unable to find anything for that text.



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We take all our literature selections from Omnibus, although the Gileskirk ones are sometimes picked up for free reading. Those selections are excellent by the way, if I were more confident in literary analysis I'd be tempted to use just Gileskirk.


My eldest does the history readings from Gileskirk but my younger dd covers the equivalent material in a simpler text -- she is 8th grade not 9th as originally posted. Next year will be different especially as Americana is considered a good introduction to Dr. G's style.


We do the opportunities, mid-terms and finals; and projects from Gileskirk. The latter are really good for going deeper which Omnibus doesn't really have. I also picked up the journalling from Gileskirk but apply it to our Omnibus readings.


From Omnibus we do almost all the readings -- we're just skipping Winning His Spurs this year -- we do most of the writing assigments, discussions and recitations as well as some of the activities. I seldom have them do the written evaluations but do assign the mid-terms and finals.





Thank you so much. THat was really helpful. What you describe is exactly what I envisioned for my dc. I was worried that I would be overloading them. How many hours per week would you say that you are spending in actual classtime? and outside reading?


It's good to know that American Culture is a good intro. I was actually thinking of skipping that one and doing my own thing. You're making me rethink that decision.


So you purchased the curriculum cd as well? And do your dds take notes? The more I think about Gileskirk, the more drawn I am to it. And like you said, it's not that pricey when compared to an online class. ANd it's reusable with other students too.


Thanks for your help with this.

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How many hours per week would you say that you are spending in actual classtime? and outside reading?


Oh, I hate that question.


For Gileskirk, we typically alternate between 1 and 2 lectures a week -- there are 48 total. With time for the opportunity, that is between 2 and 4 hours a week. Both girls take notes; if necessary we stop the DVD and/or review a section. There is maybe half an hour of reading for each lecture plus time line and map work. Discussion is usually covered informally over meals. There are 4 projects/research papers over the year.


For Omnibus, we do 5 primary sessions and 3 secondary sessions per week which take about 5 hours a week total. Writing assignments, when present add about an hour to that. The girls make a context sheet for all the primary and some secondary readings. Journals take about 15 minutes/day.


Reading time is tough to judge since it so much a function of reading speed and comprehension. It also varies with the type of material. In general, I think there is less reading for Omnibus II than I. This is probably because of feed back they received from early users but also the material builds upon itself and it is easier to absorb if you are familiar with the references. It is usually an hour or less/session but in general the schedule is such that if you have a long reading for primary Omnibus, you have a shorter or easier reading for secondary. I think that it takes me the longest since I have other responsibilities and often don't get to it until late. I have had to give up most of my outside reading although I can occasionally sneak in one for me -- I relish the Christmas vacation. I do get each of us copy of the books so that we aren't waiting around for someone else to finish.


Initially I was tempted to skip books if we had already read them but I found that the discussions were really worthwhile and reading a book a second time allows you to develop more insight into the structure of the text so we try not to do that. I also don't try to second guess which books my dds will enjoy or get most out of. I almost skipped Till We Have Faces and Histories for my younger dd but they turned out to be her favorites for the year.


So you purchased the curriculum cd as well?

Yes, the opportunities, exams and projects are all on the curriculum CD. You also need the teacher's CD for Omnibus -- all the sample answers are there as well midterms and finals.



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Thanks so much. YOu've been really helpful. I've been listening to some sample lectures I got at a conference. I really like what I'm hearing.


Thanks for giving me an estimate of the time involved. I was just trying to get an idea if I'd still be able to fit in the other subjects I was planning or if something would get squeezed out. I will probably go ahead and get one set early so I can really look at it closely.


thanks again

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