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CLE LA + Copywork or other supplements?

Medieval Mom

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For those of you who use CLE LA, do you supplement with any copywork? Anything else?


I've ordered CLE LA 1 & Reading 1. My ds is accustomed to writing a sentence of copywork plus a handwriting sheet (Pentime 3--Cursive) everyday. I'm afraid to drop Pentime and copywork, since CLE doesn't include cursive until much later. I'm also curious to see whether anyone finds the need to supplement CLE with other programs.



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Both my kids use CLE LA. For my daughter, I supplement with WWE and we use A Reason for Handwriting because that's what she was using before we started CLE and she likes the colorful pages.


For my son, I supplement spelling because he is not a natural speller and CLE's spelling would not work for him. I also use IEW for him.



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We supplement writing for my younger DD with Just Write which we love.


My younger DD is a natural speller so we don't supplement spelling for her, but my older DD is an abysmal speller and we use Spelling Wisdom which covers copywork, dictation and spelling all at once.

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We're in CLE 4 and already had my own cursive program, so we do the penmanship but I also use what we already were using. Just a little per day.


As for writing, in lelve 4 I haven't seen any, but keep in mind we are only just now finishing the 401 book. Maybe it's later. I would probably supplement with something fun like Just Write if it were not for the fact that my curriculum provides plenty of opportunity for writing and we are doing poetry a lot this year. Next year for 5th grade I will pick up Write with the Best.


All that to say, I think CLE is very complete, but it's not a writing program in and of itself and would need supplementation. Personally I don't think it's necessary to have a formal writing program in 1st grade, but that's just me.

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I agree, I don't need a writing program in 1st. :)


For 1st, I think I'll just keep to adding penmanship from our Pentime 3 if the lessons for the day do not include a lot of writing.


I was toying with the idea of adding PLL next year, or Spelling Wisdom, or just general copywork/dictation, or SOMETHING next year in second....


Thanks for the suggestion of adding a writing program in 3rd, 4th, or 5th. It takes me a while to decide on a program, so I like to have a heads up of what I'll need in the coming years.:)


I am interested in knowing what others feel CLE is lacking. Thank you!


Thanks again!

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Whew! After a little more digging around on the CLE (previewing the samples from Reading and LA in 2nd and 3rd), I've decided that I don't believe we'll need anything else in "English" for those years. It looks QUITE complete! I had NO idea :w00t:


Of course, we'll surely continue narration after independent reading, etc. It's FAR too early for me to know if we'll need a separate writing course, or spelling or whatever in 2nd or 3rd, so I think I'll just CALM DOWN and worry about this year first...:rolleyes: I may get PLL just to have around for "extra days" in the year (we plan on schooling more than the number of days in CLE's program). I do like the observation lessons and oral composition exercises. Now, if I could only find a great open-and-go resource for nature studies...


This year I'll just have ds do copywork or Pentime 3 for writing to keep up his cursive skills, on days when there is not much writing elsewhere his studies.


Thanks for your replies.

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Just wanted to say that I think it is VERY complete! I have been extremely impressed with it. I have boys in 100, 500 and 700 and we have done 300 and 400 and 600 as well! I am calling my youngest's penmanship section copywork - it's good!


However, I do use Meaningful Composition cuz I think that the writing portion is not up to where I would like it to be and MC is excellent and has worked wonders for my middle one. We love it!!! I don't know that it is essential to supplement the writing now that we have gone through several levels - but at first I didn't know and my son was struggling. We continue with it more cuz it's just great and working well!!

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